Sunday 15 April 2018

Taxa de negociação da opção questrade

Estratégias de opções com técnicas sem risco.

Bem-vindo ao subreddit oficial Questrade. Não hesite em publicar quaisquer perguntas que tenha, ou envie um dos nossos moderadores se a sua pergunta incluir informações confidenciais. Todo o conteúdo deste subreddit, questiontrade fornecido pela Questrade ou questiontrade por outros contribuidores, é apenas para fins informativos e não contém conselhos ou recomendações em nome da Questrade, Inc. Moderado pelo Team Questrade. Os exercicios de opção de Questrade e as atribuições de taxa auto. Estive com Questrade por um tempo, embora eu negocie ações comerciais. A negociação é mais que o dobro das taxas de sua corretora de desconto sem opção bancária. Questrade, se a opção estiver fora do dinheiro antes do vencimento, você pode deixar a opção expirar sem valor, o que não envolve nenhuma taxa ou comissão. Da mesma forma, se você tiver uma opção curta de opção, ela expira fora do dinheiro, você pode manter a opção sem mais negociação ou taxas. Obrigado por responder. O que a Fee tem fazendo é semelhante ao seu cenário de negociação, mas em vez de curtar a opção, escrevo opções de chamadas cobertas para todas as minhas posições de estoque. Eu pretendo manter essas opções até o vencimento, e a única taxa para evitar a taxa é se a opção expira sem valor. Enquanto estou fazendo um lucro, a opção está começando a somar e economizar minha margem de lucro. Esta taxa é por contrato ou taxa, por exemplo, por exemplo. O uso deste site constitui aceitação do nosso Contrato de Usuário e Política de Privacidade. Ao se inscrever, você concorda com nossos Termos e que você leu nossa Política de Privacidade e Conteúdo Questrade. Faça login ou inscreva-se em segundos. Envie um novo link. Envie nova postagem de texto comercial. Questrade inscreva-se para cancelar os leitores 6 usuários aqui agora Bem-vindo ao subreddit oficial Questrade. John, um dos seus representantes contribuiu com meu CELI. Como faço para corrigir erros de taxa que vocês fizeram? Esta é a publicação arquivada na opção. Você não poderá votar ou comentar. É uma taxa de qualquer forma que eu possa contornar essa taxa sem mudar para outra corretora? As mensagens são arquivadas automaticamente após 6 meses.

Opção de negociação: Compreender os preços das opções.

3 pensamentos sobre & ldquo; taxa de negociação de opção Questrade & rdquo;

As acumulações de tolerância devem ser usadas como parte do processo de projeto mecânico, tanto como uma ferramenta de solução como de previsão.

Os dados e as instruções podem ser armazenados em cartões perfurados externos, que foram mantidos em ordem e organizados em plataformas do programa.

A maioria das raízes da literatura turca moderna foi formada entre os anos 1896 - quando surgiu o primeiro movimento literário coletivo - e 1923, quando a República do Peru foi oficialmente fundada.


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Revista Questrade.

A Questrade é a maior e mais popular empresa de corretagem online da Canada, entrando em 2018. Eles foram fundados em 1999 e oferecem uma gama completa de produtos e serviços de investimento / negociação tanto para o investidor médio quanto para o comerciante ativo de alto volume.

Sua jornada da indústria de risos em seus primeiros anos para o seu lugar atual no topo do campo, consistentemente, como a melhor empresa de corretagem no Canadá (citada pela Globe and Mail, a revista MoneySense e pelo ranking anual da Deloitte) tem sido uma longa e fascinante .

Dentro desta revisão aprofundada da Questrade, explorarei sua impressionante gama de ofertas e debate se você se juntar.

Código de oferta Questrade.

Código de oferta de uso: o Canadá recebe $ 50 grátis da Questrade.

Comissões & amp; Honorários.

Código de oferta Questrade.

A tabela acima deve ser vista novamente! Não é um erro de digitação, nem um exagero! Questrade oferece os negócios mais baratos em praticamente todas as categorias de investimentos em todo o Canadá. A estrutura de preços não mudou desde a sua criação e é tão impressionante que encoraja os investidores novos e pequenos a saltar para o jogo de investimento, além de atrair investidores descontentes de outras corretoras.

Questrade convenientemente pode cobrir todas as taxas de transferência impostas por outras instituições financeiras se interessado em mover sua conta de negociação existente para eles. Isso torna o fascínio para se juntar ainda mais tentador.

Para negociação de ações, a Questrade oferece uma estrutura de preços democrática única. A longo prazo, menos ativos, os investidores têm a opção popular de 1 & cent; por ação com uma cobrança mínima de US $ 4,95 / comércio e um custo de comissão máximo máximo de US $ 9,95. Traders ativos e # 8212; aqueles que fazem negócios de alto volume compartilhado & # 8212; tem a escolha de 1 & cent; por ação (1 milhão mínimo / $ 6.95 máximo), ou uma taxa de comissão de ações de US $ 4,95. Todos os titulares de contas podem alternar entre estas opções de preços a qualquer momento. Mas esteja ciente de que uma mudança para o programa comercial ativo envolve a inscrição em um dos diversos planos avançados de dados de mercado da Questrade & # 8217;

Desde 2018, a Questrade continua a não cobrar comissão na compra de ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds). Os ETFs são gratuitos para todos. Isso mudou radicalmente a face do índice investindo para melhor. Ele abriu um mundo totalmente novo para aqueles que preferem comprar mensalmente para tirar proveito da média em dólares. Também faz com que o interesse composto e as carteiras de equilíbrio sejam muito mais doces.

Embora tenhamos o tema dos ETFs, muitas outras corretoras (incluindo bancos) ainda cobram uma taxa para os negócios da ETF, estranhamente, garantindo o cronograma mal planejado e o mercado # 8221; estratégia como uma prática comum por muitos investidores amadores nesses outros pontos financeiros, na esperança de economizar em custos de comissão. Isso não é mais necessário ao investir na Questrade. Com tantos quantos se voltam para os ETFs atualmente devido ao seu MER baixo e diversificado, é um maravilhoso suspiro de ar fresco para poder fazê-lo sem nenhum custo. Todas as indicações parecem ser que Questrade foi o primeiro corretor de desconto no Canadá a fazer isso, e os aplaudo.

A Questrade também deixa claro que eles não cobram taxas de instalação, taxas anuais e taxas ocultas em nenhum dos seus serviços, o que é uma mudança bem-vinda da norma da indústria. No entanto, deve ser dada uma nota especial sobre como eles lidam com a inatividade da conta.

Embora historicamente a Questrade nunca cobrou uma taxa de inatividade, eles recentemente fizeram uma alteração sutil para essa política. Na verdade, não é tão ruim quando você examina os detalhes. Se alguma coisa é bastante razoável. Este ajuste de política pode potencialmente cobrar US $ 24,95 (sem impostos) por trimestre civil. Todos os detentores de contas da Questrade, no entanto, incluem famílias que possuem o mesmo endereço físico (que também pode ser um grupo de estranhos ao usar o programa myFamily), com ativos equivalentes combinados de pelo menos US $ 5.000 estão isentos dessa taxa de inatividade. Esta taxa também não se aplica a contas de caridade, contas forex, indivíduos de 25 anos de idade ou menores, e todas as novas contas abertas por apenas 6 meses. Se, no entanto, esta taxa ainda se aplica a você, basta fazer pelo menos um comércio comissionável por trimestre (uma vez a cada 3 meses) e você não será cobrado. Além disso, se você estiver inativo por um quarto e for cobrado, então, fazendo pelo menos um comércio no próximo trimestre, irá gerar um reembolso de até US $ 24,95 em negociações livres de comissão como compensação. Justo.

Para a maioria dos investidores, esta mudança de política é trivial, pois seus ativos são quase sempre superiores a US $ 5.000. E a maioria das pessoas nunca receberá cobrança dessa taxa de inatividade. Como eu mencionei anteriormente, acho que essa mudança é perfeitamente razoável e ainda melhorias do que todas as outras casas de corretagem com desconto que não só cobram uma taxa de inatividade, sem exceções, eles fazem isso com mais freqüência (a cada mês) e adquirem inúmeras taxas ocultas que Questrade não faz.

Novas Contas.

Existem dois conjuntos de contas oferecidos pela Questrade: Self-directed e Online Managed Investing.

Investimento direto: essas contas são para aqueles que querem o controle total de sua tomada de decisão de investimento. Eles vão economizar mais dinheiro, em termos de custos de comissão. A conta Margem Padrão (Individual) é o tipo de conta mais popular aberto por novos clientes.

Investimento gerenciado: essas contas são para aqueles que querem que a Questrade gerencie todas as decisões de investimento em seu nome, por uma taxa anual nominal. Eles exigem o mínimo de esforço da sua parte e tendem a ganhar retornos mais altos no longo prazo. Da minha análise, essas contas são de fato tratadas por uma equipe real (a divisão Questrade Wealth Management) nos bastidores. Sob sua gestão, eles consideram seus objetivos pessoais e tolerância ao risco para combinar, gerenciar, monitorar e ajustar os melhores investimentos sem o seu envolvimento diário. Questrade chama este QI de portfólio.

Contas Questrade.

Margem Padrão:

Informal, Joint Informal ou Entidade Formal:

Empresa exclusiva, Parceria, Clube de Investimento ou Corporação Registrada:

CELI, RRSP, LIRA, RIF, LIF, RESP individual ou Family RESP Forex (FX) e amp; Contrato de Diferença (CFD) Trading.

Gerado ativamente pelo pessoal atribuído à sua conta @ Questrade.

Por favor, note que, ao contrário do auto-dirigido, o investimento gerenciado vem com um preço - uma taxa de administração mínima de US $ 14 / ano. Na minha opinião auto-dirigida é tudo o que uma vez precisará, considerando como tomar decisões de investimento bem informadas é bastante simples para os recém-chegados nos dias de hoje. E para compor isso, as contas auto-dirigidas não têm taxas (fora da comissão de comércio usual) associadas a elas, ao contrário de seus primos de investimento gerenciados. Eu irei em profundidade em seu lado de investimento gerenciado em uma seção posterior desta revisão.

Requisitos de depósito inicial.

Embora o acesso imediato seja obtido depois de se juntar (não esqueça de usar o código de oferta Questrade: Canadá para obter $ 50 grátis durante a inscrição), sua conta não está ativada. Para ativar oficialmente sua conta, para iniciar a negociação, é necessário um depósito inicial.

Para ações e opções, você precisará manter um saldo mínimo de capital de US $ 250, após atender ao requisito de depósito inicial, para manter sua conta ativa em boas condições. Se, no entanto, você planeja fazer investimentos gerenciados, então é necessário que você mantenha US $ 1.500 em valor da conta uma vez que você investiu. Se esse valor cair abaixo de US $ 1.500, seus investimentos serão liquidados.

Uma vez que este depósito mínimo inicial tenha sido cancelado, a Questrade lhe envia uma mensagem de confirmação. Para aplicativos off-line, você será contatado por um de seus representantes, o que confirmará que a negociação pode começar. Demora cerca de 1-3 dias úteis para a Questrade receber e processar este depósito.

* Depósitos em moeda canadense em forex & amp; As contas CFD são convertidas automaticamente em moeda dos EUA.

Processo de inscrição.

Abrir uma conta com Questrade é um processo incrivelmente rápido, intuitivo e indolor. Não demorei mais do que dois minutos para abrir uma conta geral, que imediatamente me deu acesso para praticar nas plataformas de negociação e publicar no seu vibrante fórum de discussão. Levei menos de vinte minutos para abrir sua conta de negociação de margem individual popular.

O pedido on-line requer o seu número de seguro social (para informar os juros e os dividendos obtidos para a CRA, mas você tem a opção, na página, para não permitir que eles usem o SIN), informações de emprego (ou fonte de renda, se estiverem desempregadas), e uma forma de identificação (por exemplo, licença do motorista). E, embora tenham uma alternativa off-line que você possa imprimir e preencher, eu recomendo seu processo on-line seguro em vez disso porque reduz a quantidade de erros de gravação e problemas de legibilidade, e suporta DocuSign para o processo de assinatura de assinatura on-line.

Uma das primeiras coisas que você precisa fazer ao se inscrever é definir uma ID de usuário e uma senha para sua nova conta. Isso proporciona a capacidade incrivelmente conveniente de retornar a uma aplicação incompleta mais tarde.

Descobri as sessões durante o tempo limite de inscrição após 30 minutos de inatividade. Este é mais que tempo suficiente para coletar documentos e credenciais necessários e para revisar os detalhes fornecidos para todos os erros.

Formas de financiar sua conta.

Os números de contas consistem em dez dígitos numéricos (por exemplo, 12345678-90). Este é um passo acima de seu tamanho alfanumérico de seis caracteres pré-2018 e, como tal, foi relatado que alguns bancos externos ainda impõem um limite de oito caracteres para as contas do beneficiário quando você tenta enviar dinheiro para a Questrade. Para contornar isso, nossos leitores indicaram que você só precisa fornecer os primeiros oito dígitos do seu número de conta Questrade. Usando esta solução útil, seus fundos ainda serão entregues com sucesso.

Ao fazer um depósito usando banco on-line ou via Interac, você deve ter em mente que não é possível enviar USD para sua conta Questrade & # 8212; apenas CAD. Isso se deve a uma limitação da EFT no banco emissor, e não ao Questrade. Todos os outros métodos de financiamento mostrados acima suportam a capacidade de financiar sua conta com CAD ou USD. As retiradas de fundos USD da sua conta Questrade para uma conta bancária em USD funcionam perfeitamente bem.

Se você precisa depositar a moeda do USD imediatamente e nenhum dos métodos acima se adequa às suas necessidades, você ainda tem mais algumas opções: você pode converter seu saldo de CAD existente, mantido dentro da sua conta Questrade, para USD usando a ferramenta Exchange Funds (encontrado em Solicitações de ). Isso pode levar até 24 horas para processar. Ou, você pode aproveitar o Gambit de Norbert & # 8217; (veja as FAQ)! As conversões bem sucedidas foram confirmadas pelos leitores desta revisão Questrade.

Antes que as retiradas possam ser iniciadas, a Questrade exige que você forneça um cheque vazio ou um formulário de contrato de depósito pré-autorizado assinado e carimbado pelo seu banco. Isso só precisa ser feito uma vez por conta bancária. Demora cerca de três dias úteis para processar uma retirada e para que os fundos cheguem à sua conta bancária.

Conta do Membro.

O portal de controle primário da sua conta é conhecido como myQuestrade (em alternativa, a conta Questrade) e é uma experiência maravilhosa com uma organização bem pensada e um apelo visual. Há muito amor colocado neste portal, proporcionando uma experiência consistente e imersiva e responsiva. Descobri que funcionou perfeitamente com cada smartphone, tablet, laptop e desktop que eu poderia jogar.

Este portal integra integralmente a negociação e o gerenciamento de contas sem esforço. Dá acesso imediato à compra e venda de títulos, trabalhando com ferramentas de pesquisa, usando uma agitada biblioteca de aplicativos parceiros (e API do desenvolvedor) em qualquer um de seus dispositivos, visualizando a atividade de sua conta, analisando saldos e posições, gerenciando seu pessoal detalhes, declarações de exibição, fazendo transferências de fundos em & amp; fora de suas contas, uploading & amp; baixando seus documentos, trocando moeda CAD / USD entre contas, tomando ações corporativas em comunicações de acionistas, transferindo cargos, abrindo contas adicionais, recuperando resgates fiscais, opções de exercícios, interagindo com fundos mútuos e muito mais.

Uma vez que sua conta é ativada para negociação, você é convenientemente solicitado quando você efetua o login pela primeira vez para selecionar uma base doméstica padrão. Uma base é onde você gostaria que a Questrade o colocasse diretamente cada vez que você efetuasse login. Você tem a escolha da sua página de gerenciamento de conta ou da plataforma de negociação on-line. Este é definitivamente um protetor de tempo útil, mas, se necessário, você pode pular entre cada um através de uma barra de menu sempre visível. E você pode mudar sua base de residência a qualquer momento a partir da página Configurações.

Eles também têm várias áreas de auto-ajuda, incluindo um centro de aprendizado robusto de e-books (por exemplo, estratégias de opções e negociação Forex e CFD), fichas técnicas, um glossário detalhado e um fórum de discussão em comunidade muito ativo chamado The Exchange . O Exchange é o lugar onde você quer sair, fazer perguntas entre outros investidores envolvidos, compartilhar conhecimentos e navegar em uma biblioteca crescente de recursos e ajudar guias de ajuda. Eu achei que esta área era muito agradável, especialmente porque muitos estavam compartilhando conselhos de investimento incríveis e dicas únicas que talvez eu não tenha descoberto de outras maneiras. Uma surpresa de boas-vindas foi o fato de os representantes da Questrade ser tão consistentemente envolvidos nas discussões deste fórum.

Localizados sob a opção do menu Relatórios, há uma série de subcategorias que fornecem detalhes sobre negociação e atividade geral da conta. Algumas dessas subcategorias incluem: Resumo do Investimento (foto acima), Confirmações de Comércio, Atividade da Conta, Declarações, Retorno de Investimento e Encargos Fiscais. Coletivamente, esses relatórios permitem que você explore todos os seus investimentos (ações, fundos, títulos, etc.), poder de compra, patrimônio total, saldos de caixa e posições atuais (em CAD e USD) e muito mais.

Seu histórico de negociação é mantido por 36 meses, enquanto os eStatements, gerados mensalmente, são armazenados por 7 anos. Os deslizamentos fiscais (por exemplo, T3, T5, T5008) também estão disponíveis eletronicamente para cada ano.

Novas declarações são publicadas no dia 15 de cada mês e disponibilizadas para download imediato como arquivos PDF. Esses relatórios melhoraram drasticamente ao longo dos anos e contêm uma tapeçaria rica de gráficos e gráficos coloridos úteis para facilitar a compreensão do seu desempenho até à data e compará-lo com os anos anteriores. Além disso, essas declarações são muito detalhadas e construídas com muito cuidado, para que não sejam apenas intuitivamente entendidas pelo investidor leigo, mas também aprofundam as desagregações dos detalhes da atividade do mês, um resumo de todas as negociações resolvidas pelo no final desse mês, taxas de conversão, alocações, taxas de retorno atuais e históricas, distribuições de dividendos e notas especiais da corretora.

Porque eu me vejo como um investidor médio, a abordagem de estilo apresentada nestas declarações é um excelente bônus oferecido pela Questrade.

Embora a Questrade apoie a visualização, o download e / ou a impressão de declarações mensais on-line como arquivos PDF, e fornece gratuitamente, eles ainda oferecem a opção alternativa de enviar declarações em papel. Esta alternativa, no entanto, custa US $ 20 por declaração. Se você ainda preferir essas cópias impressas, você pode fazer uma solicitação diretamente pelo telefone ou através da janela de chat de ajuda ao vivo.

Moedas duplas.

A margem de margem e as contas registradas da Questrade são constituídas por duas subcontas e # 8212; um que detém fundos canadenses e o outro para segurar fundos dos EUA. Isso é incrivelmente conveniente, pois impede encargos de conversão automática desnecessários, comuns em praticamente todas as outras corretoras, ao negociar instrumentos dos EUA. O Questrade não faz conversões automáticas de moeda. Outras corretoras, por outro lado, façam isso simplesmente porque maximizam seus lucros. Bom para eles, ruim para você.

Por exemplo, com as coisas da Questrade, como as receitas de dividendos nos EUA de ações negociadas nos EUA, permanecerão como USD e serão automaticamente depositadas em sua sub-conta U. S. O mesmo é verdadeiro ao financiar sua conta de margem (ou registrada) por qualquer tipo de moeda; os fundos serão automaticamente colocados na sub-conta associada do mesmo tipo.

Os fundos podem ser movidos entre as subconjuntos usando o recurso de Fundos de câmbio da Questrade & # 8217; mas apenas tenha em atenção que ao usar essa ferramenta, ela envolverá uma conversão com base na taxa ao local ao fechar o mercado em Toronto, além de uma taxa de spread. Esta taxa de spread é de 1,99% para margens e contas registradas. Se o patrimônio total exceder $ 100K, no entanto, essa taxa cai para 1,70% para margem e 1,00% para contas registradas. Se a conversão entre USD / CAD, uma melhor abordagem seria usar a técnica Gambit da Norbert, pois elimina quase todas as taxas cambiais. Consulte as Perguntas frequentes para obter mais detalhes.

Uma nota relacionada interessante é que a Questrade continua a ser a única corretora no Canadá a permitir que dupla moeda (CAD e USD) seja realizada simultaneamente dentro de contas registradas (ie, CELI, RRSP, REEE, RIF, LIRA, LIF) sem nenhum custo que por si só, economizará uma quantidade colossal de dinheiro de taxas de conversão desnecessárias. E enquanto outras casas de corretagem rotineiramente cobram taxas anuais por apenas ter uma conta registrada, a Questrade não cobra uma taxa anual; permitindo que suas contribuições anuais cresçam com a máxima eficiência.

Plataformas de negociação.

A Questrade tem quatro plataformas de negociação: a negociação com a Questrade, uma plataforma de negociação totalmente funcional para usuários de desktop Windows / Macs / Linux, bem como para dispositivos móveis; Questrade IQ Edge, uma plataforma de negociação baseada em desktop simplificada para Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 + e macOS 10+; Questrade Mobile, seu participante móvel no campo da negociação on-the-go, para iOS e Android; e Questrade FX Global, seu forex e amp; Plataforma de negociação de mercado CFD para a maioria dos usuários de desktop e móveis.

Esta suite inteira é gratuita para usar e pratica contas (com dinheiro virtual) estão disponíveis sem ter que ativar uma conta de negociação real. Muitas dessas plataformas incluem snap quote live Canadian / U. S. transmissão de dados de nível 1, um pacote de gráficos, ferramentas de pesquisa para análises fundamentais e técnicas e muito mais. E, embora esteja disponível gratuitamente, essas plataformas podem ser atualizadas para incluir um dos três pacotes de dados ou adicionar e agrave; à la carte.

Agora, deixe a sonda aprofundar cada uma dessas plataformas únicas e veja o que elas têm para oferecer.

Negociação com Questrade.

Esta é a plataforma de negociação gratuita mais popular da Questrade. Ele serve como principal gateway comercial para a maioria dos usuários toda a experiência de investimento. Também serve como a resposta da Questrade para aqueles que, por uma razão ou outra, podem não ter acesso (ou ser compatível com) seus aplicativos Mobile ou IQ Edge. Como tal, esta plataforma de negociação é o que os usuários do Linux voltam para quando precisam negociar ações, ETFs e opções.

O comércio com a Questrade é engenhosamente integrado no portal da Conta Questrade e é acessível através do botão comércio verde proeminente localizado na barra de menu superior. Por conveniência, esta plataforma pode ser configurada como sua base doméstica quando você efetua o login. Esta plataforma é uma experiência responsiva baseada em navegador HTML5 totalmente compatível, não requer um download, nem nenhum complemento de terceiros, para ser totalmente funcional .

Fazer uma rotação com esta plataforma foi uma experiência incrivelmente libertadora e # 8212; uma excelente amálgama de poder e usabilidade. É muito embalado. Ele também introduz o conceito de Gadgets no léxico da plataforma. Um gadget é uma visão personalizada personalizada do usuário em seus detalhes comerciais / de mercado. Alguns desses gadgets incluem: atividade (um visualizador de logs), balanças, tempo e amp; vendas (atividade global atual de uma ação), citações de nível 1, cotações de nível 2 (se você pagou por esta extensão), notícias, ordens, gráficos, resumo da posição e uma lista de observação. Todas as alterações personalizadas que você faz no layout da sua plataforma são salvas e restauradas automaticamente quando você voltar a logar novamente.

Esta plataforma foi surpreendentemente relâmpago rápido e sensível em todos os navegadores na qual eu testei. O uso da memória e da pegada da CPU foi surpreendentemente pequeno, apesar da profundidade de opções, atividades e funcionalidades que ele tinha para oferecer. Eu também achei que as sessões não parecem ter nenhum limite de tempo de inatividade.

Um bom recurso bônus dessa plataforma foi poder iniciar uma tarefa comercial em um dispositivo (por exemplo, um PC doméstico) e mudar sem esforço para outro dispositivo (por exemplo, smartphone ou tablet) para concluí-lo. Esta é uma pequena adição inestimável, porque pode permitir que se construa cuidadosamente longos procedimentos comerciais, permitindo a livre circulação durante horários ocupados. Os pontos de bônus adicionais também devem ter seu uso inteligente de coloração verde e vermelha em tempo real para ajudar a distinguir mais facilmente as variações de preços de ações e opções à medida que acontecem.

Impressionantemente, esta plataforma de negociação baseada na web tem quase todos os recursos encontrados no IQ Edge, seu irmão maior nesta família. As diferenças notáveis ​​incluem a falta de espaços de trabalho múltiplos, mapas de calor e, surpreendentemente, a incapacidade de alterar os temas de cores & # 8212; Você está preso com esse olhar branco, ao contrário do IQ Edge que tem temas selecionáveis. Então, se você achar que precisa de um ou mais desses recursos faltantes, eu recomendo que você use sua plataforma IQ Edge baseada em desktop.

Questrade IQ Edge.

Questrade IQ Edge é o grande menino desta suíte. Ele vem como um aplicativo de desktop PC (ou Mac) nativo baseado em instalação gratuito. E embora seja comumente usado por muitos investidores, independentemente da experiência, esta plataforma foi projetada especificamente para atender a comerciantes ativos e profissionais.

Curiosamente, o comércio com Questrade e IQ Edge compartilha muitas características em comum. Mas eu encontrei as seguintes diferenças únicas.

O IQ Edge permite uma quantidade ilimitada de espaços de trabalho. Um espaço de trabalho é uma área de tela que permite abrir e personalizar um novo conjunto de gadgets ou janelas para um propósito específico específico que se adapte a um estilo de ambiente comercial. Múltiplos espaços de trabalho navegáveis ​​são um recurso valioso para comerciantes ativos.

Outras diferenças importantes que descobriu foi que o IQ Edge oferece opções significativamente mais avançadas para entradas de pedidos, como ordens condicionais (por exemplo, ordens de disparo em um horário específico, preço ou volume automaticamente), criação de pedidos de suporte, alertas mais extensos e múltiplos janelas de entrada de pedidos. Esta plataforma também inclui ferramentas de pesquisa mais amplas e mapas de calor.

Eu também descobri algumas diferenças sutis também. O IQ Edge permite uma personalização extensiva de gadgets, o que os leva muito além do que é possível na negociação com a Questrade. A maioria dessas características personalizáveis, no entanto, são visuais (por exemplo, arrastar-largar, redimensionar, colorir personalizado, piscar texto). Depende do dispositivo. Curiosamente, os gadgets não têm um recurso instantâneo e, portanto, eles não se auto-organizam quando a janela principal da aplicação redimensiona. É um pouco irritante, mas não um disjuntor, porque a maioria das pessoas simplesmente posiciona seus aparelhos em um local específico e mantém a janela da aplicação em um tamanho definido.

Curiosamente, qualquer personalização de gadgets que você faz no IQ Edge não se transfere para suas outras plataformas de negociação (assumindo que o mesmo dispositivo existe) e vice-versa. Os símbolos de Ticker e os dados relacionados dentro de gadgets (por exemplo, alertas), no entanto, são devidamente mantidos em diferentes ambientes de negociação.

Felizmente, o IQ Edge incorpora diferentes temas de cores selecionáveis ​​pelo usuário, variando de escuro (padrão), luz e céu azul. Esta é uma mudança bem-vinda do tema branco de queima de tela que suas outras plataformas de negociação (excluindo o FX Global) são infelizmente hardwired para usar apenas.

Um fascínio adicional do IQ Edge é que dá a um comerciante a sensação de conforto, sabendo que a atividade de negociação da sua plataforma não será atrasada ou experimentará soluços, como pode ser o caso, se estiver usando um navegador da Web. Ao falar com a equipe técnica da Questrade & # 8217; me foi dito que esta plataforma é escrita desde o início usando o código C ++ otimizado e implantado especificamente para processadores da Intel, garantindo as mais rápidas respostas para os comerciantes mais sérios. Infelizmente, no momento desta escrita, não existe uma versão de 64 bits para o IQ Edge em plataformas de PC. Para Macs, nativamente, é de 64 bits. Não me interpretem mal, isso ainda funcionará perfeitamente bem em sistemas de PC baseados no Windows de 64 bits. Ele simplesmente não funcionou tão eficientemente quanto poderia ser. Aqui, esperando que no futuro próximo seja disponibilizada uma versão otimizada de 64 bits do Windows IQ Edge.

Questrade Mobile.

Como muitos de nós passamos muito tempo em dispositivos móveis, isso só faz sentido que queremos poder deslizar, tocar e investir on-the-go também. O Questrade Mobile preenche esse vazio.

Esta plataforma gratuita é uma plataforma de negociação móvel surpreendentemente muito poderosa e muito capaz. Operando em qualquer lugar a qualquer momento, este aplicativo está disponível para dispositivos iOS e Android em suas respectivas lojas de aplicativos. O layout visual ea organização das características são muito bem pensados ​​e # 8212; Posso navegar e usar o aplicativo com facilidade intuitiva. E, embora forneçam uma ferramenta de ajuda interativa, descobri que havia pouca necessidade de usá-lo.

A Questrade originalmente planejava lançar uma versão similar para o Windows Phone e o Blackberry, mas, compreensivelmente, devido à compartição de mercado quase inexistente, a idéia foi descartada no final do ciclo de desenvolvimento. Como tal, os usuários com esses dispositivos, incluindo o Linux, precisarão usar a plataforma de negociação alternativa baseada no navegador: negociação com Questrade.

Eu achei o recurso do Mobile definido como sendo quase idêntico à sua plataforma Trading with Questrade, mas com ajustes visuais para atender melhor a operacionalidade do dispositivo portátil. Você pode até realizar ações de gerenciamento de contas diretamente no aplicativo.

Depois de usar esta plataforma por vários dias, é claro para mim, a Questrade continua buscando que o Mobile seja tão rico em recursos como o IQ Edge ao longo do tempo, de modo que mesmo os comerciantes ativos possam ser menos dependentes de seus desktops. Tenho certeza de que isso será saudado com sorrisos felizes por aqueles comerciantes que desejam ser mais completamente desembaraçados de suas masmorras IQ Edge. On-the-go está aqui para ficar, então só faz sentido lógico que a Questrade continuará sua tendência de integrar mais funcionalidades de Edge-like whiz-bang em Mobile, possivelmente superando seu irmão baseado na web ao longo do tempo.

Não há dúvida de que o Mobile é um componente integral da Questrade e, possivelmente, vê-lo como o mais importante nesta plataforma completa, em termos de crescimento a longo prazo, já que a maioria das pessoas continuará buscando seus telefones (e outros portáteis dispositivos) como seu principal hub para os mercados.

Questrade FX Global.

Esta é a plataforma gratuita da sua especialidade, baseada especificamente para comerciantes de câmbio (FX) e de contrato para diferença (CFD). Para os curiosos, os contratos FX e CFDs são derivados de balcão. A FX Global dá-lhe a capacidade de especular sobre o movimento dos preços das moedas, energia, agricultura, metais e índices de ações de uma conta.

A FX Global vive e respira dentro do navegador. E meus testes descobriram que a interação era perfeita em todos os dispositivos que chequei. Isso inclui: PC, Mac, Linux e dispositivos móveis.

A plataforma rastreia convenientemente todas as atividades comerciais em tempo real. Eu poderia executar trades a partir de cotações de oferta / pergunta ao vivo apenas com um simples clique ou toque em qualquer momento. Também fui capaz de controlar as posições abertas, observar ganhos e perdas imediatos, visualizar os saldos das contas e analisar a atividade histórica, tudo na tela.

Outros recursos positivos notáveis ​​na minha avaliação incluem a capacidade de alternar temas de ambiente (ou seja, escuro ou leve), notícias incorporadas atualizadas, ferramentas de pesquisa, indicadores de análise técnica, listas de vigilância e alertas de notificação push para o seu telefone.

Eu encontrei esta plataforma para ser projetada muito bem e eu poderia longo e curto centenas de pares de moeda global e CFDs com facilidade. Toda a experiência foi sentimento surpreendentemente muito mais natural do que eu esperava; e isso vem de alguém que tem pouca experiência prévia no FX & amp; Mercados CFD. A negociação dentro da plataforma pode ser feita 24 horas por dia, de domingo a sexta-feira a sexta-feira à tarde, mas, se necessário, os titulares existentes da conta forex também podem fazer pedidos gratuitos por telefone.

Ferramentas de pesquisa.

Uma das chaves para o investimento bem sucedido é através de pesquisa de mercado tenaz e # 8212; Fazendo sua lição de casa. And so, while compiling this review I felt an honourable nod should be given to Questrade’s stand-out research tools: Market Intelligence and Intraday Trader .

When you login, both tools are found tucked away under the Market Research menu selection.

Market Intelligence is the place to go when you need to get the latest market news in North America, Europe, and Asia as it happens. With research data and ratings provided by MorningStar, I was able to successfully look up a lot of valuable material (e. g., reports, earnings) on whole industries, companies, and specific stocks without having to leave my account. There is also a very useful criteria-based email alerter to keep track of stocks. You can set it up to alert you on price changes, volume fluctuations, bid sizes, and more.

The other research tool, Intraday Trader, is a comprehensive technical analyzer that monitors the NSYE, NASDAQ, AMEX, TSX, TSX Venture, and ARCA. By providing an event triggering watch list (pre-set or custom), it’s able to scan those markets and cross-reference technical patterns of interest throughout the trading day. When a target has been triggered I get notified with charts and a description on what caused it and why. It’s clear that the goal of this tool is to give you a heads-up on potential trading opportunities as they are happening. Interestingly, I began noticing over the following days that I kept returning to use this tool and adding more refined complexity to my event triggers. In short, using this tool can become quite addictive.

Managed Investing (Portfolio IQ)

Self-directed investing (aka DIY trading) is offered essentially by every discount brokerage in Canada and has been a popular choice by the general public due to the cornucopias of easy-to-use tools and support made available to investors desiring complete control over every aspect of their financial interests. With this style of investing, customers have always been able to sculpt their own investment strategy, define their portfolio, buy and sell securities, and more.

However, another option exists. For those with very little time, while continuing to carry big investment ambitions, Questrade introduced Portfolio IQ , the alternative to self-directed investing. Really known as managed investing, Portfolio IQ takes away the stress of investment decision making, such as asset allocation and re-balancing, and puts this work into the hands of experienced portfolio managers of their Questrade Wealth Management division.

Who doesn’t want to take it easy and watch their money grow towards financial independence with little effort? It’s a dream come true! However, the difficulty lies in trying to figure out how exactly to do that. This is where I feel Portfolio IQ comes to the rescue.

I discovered that Portfolio IQ was Canada’s first online wealth management service. Another accomplishment by Questrade. When speaking with one of their managers, he expressed that the advent of Portfolio IQ is to grow and become a definitive market disruptor. To make managed investing accessible to everyone. He went on to say that because managed investing has typically been an exclusive club for the very rich, their goal was to hark back to their motto of unlocking all things restrictive to the masses by doing away with convention. That’s a bold statement. So naturally I signed up for an account and had a look around.

Opening a Portfolio IQ account is straight-forward and only requires an initial deposit of just $1. As an extra bonus, this review’s Questrade offer code — also known as a Questrade referral code — can be used when opening a managed account to receive a free cash bonus. Once open you’re taken through a quick, simple to use point-and-click/tap questionnaire to set up an investor biography that identifies your risk tolerance, existing financial circumstances, market knowledge, and investment ambitions. This is all used to help crystallize the best portfolio that will matter to you. If your goals change, then you can adjust your biography to keep things in balance, which will then automatically update your underlying portfolio model accordingly.

ETF Portfolios.

There are five portfolios and they all deal exclusively in ETFs. Composition is an assortment mix of sectors, markets, and countries.

Further, each of these portfolios have three tiers. Each tier has a different set of sector-specific and country-specific ETFs. It is your account asset value that determines which tier position you’re automatically assigned within the portfolio you’ve selected.

Estrutura de taxas.

Although it only requires $1 to open a Portfolio IQ account, your money sits uninvested until it reaches at least $2,000. Once that threshold has been reached, your money is automatically shifted into your selected portfolio, and your very own assigned team of specialists will begin actively managing and adjusting your portfolio as opportunities arise in the markets. I found they vigilantly kept re-balancing assets to stay within my risk tolerance without any daily involvement on my part, which was nice.

I didn’t find any trading or trailing commission fees. I did uncover a nominal annual management fee, however, which varies based on your existing total account asset value. This fee only gets charged when you have at least $2,000 in savings within your managed account. If it does apply then it’s broken up and charged proportionally on a quarterly basis. Relative to other brokerages and banks, this management fee is by far the lowest I’ve seen.

With the added benefit of taking full advantage of tax-loss harvesting, and providing a last quarter management fee refund guarantee if you’re not fully satisfied for any reason, Portfolio IQ is an extraordinary entrant into the managed investing arena. It has that perfect resonating mix all investors, big and small, crave when they daydream of an unshackled financial tomorrow.

IPO Centre.

Participating in initial public offerings (IPO), secondary issues (additional shares/bonds offered by a public company), and structured products has always been the holy grail for many investors due to the incredible euphoric frenzy of the 1990’s internet IPO boom, and recently with the bitcoin cryptocurrency mania (via Initial Coin Offerings).

Because IPOs usually tick up on first day closings, it makes total sense why so many want in — it’s a quick way to make an easy buck! However, due to the natural laws of supply and demand, interest in these new issues almost always outstrip the quantity made available, and therefore only insiders, well-connected bigwigs, and the very wealthy are usually the only ones who are granted access. Nepotism and cronyism at its undemocratic finest.

For generations the general public has had little access to IPOs. There was a brief moment in time when Wit Capital, an internet startup of the 90s, briefly unlocked this secret world, but it was short-lived.

Questrade became one of the new Canadian trailblazers to usher in a sledgehammer back into this world for the masses by introducing their IPO Centre. This centre is a very welcome sight and seems well positioned to grow into something incredibly special.

Type of Offerings.

The Questrade IPO Centre showcases newly available issues of Canadian equity, fixed income, and structured notes. For historic reasons, they also give access to a detailed back catalog of previous offerings. Each IPO’s respective fact sheet, investor summary, terms, preliminary and final prospectuses are also readily available.

Although the IPO Centre mostly has Canadian offerings, U. S. IPOs do show up from time-to-time as well. Due to Canadian security regulations though, U. S. and other foreign-based companies must file their prospectuses in each province individually in order to be sold to residents of that particular province. Since many companies in the United States may feel that doing an IPO in Canada could be an added expense (e. g., listing fees, legal fees, French language requirements), and that domestic demand in the U. S. is already strong enough to satisfy the capital they’re seeking to raise, it’s only logical that most offerings you see listed in the centre are Canadian by nature.

Fun fact: TSX has a very large mining focus. This is because many international mining/resource companies file a prospectus, raise money, and choose to be listed here in Canada.

Registered accounts (e. g., RRSP, TFSA) are also eligible to hold the vast majority of IPOs and treasury offerings. Some IPOs, however, may not be eligible due to their company/offering structure and how widely held it is.

My only complaint is that the number of IPOs to select from isn’t as bountiful as I would prefer it to be. I am not sure if this is due to the unseen battle that they surely must have with underwriters to be granted access to new filings, or if their staff is just being lethargic in pursuing more pickings.

How To Take Part.

The IPO Centre is reachable on your desktop/laptop , smartphone, and tablet. When you see an IPO or other new issue you like, it’s a simple click/tap of the Buy button found next to that offering. Alternatively, you can call their trade desk to put in a request. All IPO and secondary offering purchases are commission free.

Once your order has been placed, this is referred to as an “expression of interest”. An expression of interest makes Questrade aware you are putting in a commitment to buy a number of shares. This does not guarantee, though, that you will actually get any or all of the shares you’ve requested.

When placing an expression of interest on their website, the trade desk contacts you to confirm the order within an hour. In rare cases I found it took up to 24 hours.

There is a $5,000 minimum requested amount for submitting an IPO order. Some companies going public may even ask for an amount over and above this, but the majority of the time it won’t be above the $5,000 Questrade minimum. Once the order is confirmed, Questrade passes along your interest to the offering’s underwriter.

For instant notification of newly announced IPOs and secondary issues, I recommend subscribing to their mailing list known as the IPO Bulletin . Surprisingly, I found that notifications arrived roughly thirty minutes sooner than the time it took for new issues to appear on the centre’s front page. That revelation can potentially lead to unique first access opportunities. Agradável!

Canceling a request can be made within two business days (this may vary depending on the province) of receiving, or deemed receipt of, a prospectus and any related amendments (found at the online centre).

Processing Time & Distribuição.

Processing time for orders can vary but usually it takes around three weeks from when the underwriters first launch the IPO and when the offering closes. Times can be shorter when dealing with some secondary offerings and preferred treasury shares. Once allocations from the underwriter are received, Questrade informs customers via email or phone.

Allocations, however, may be distributed on a pro-rata basis if an IPO is oversubscribed (the number of shares requested by all interested parties is greater than what Questrade received), and so, as mentioned earlier, your original request amount may not necessarily materialize to what you actually get. For example, if Questrade receives a 50% allocation on their total order amount, they would then allocate only 50% to your original order request.

Serviço ao cliente.

Customer services are the make or break for practically every company, irrespective of the industry they’re in. If customers have an issue, be it executing a hanging order, a problem with account management, or just to get in touch to have someone walk them through a task, it’s critical that customer service be attentive, knowledgeable, and understanding. You can have all the best technology and intuitive user experience in place, but if you lack basic customer service support, you’re company is doomed.

Now let’s delve into Questrade’s customer service experience so I can give you my impression on their online and offline (i. e., telephone) efficacy.

Most people will likely prefer to communicate with Questrade through online means. As such, you have a few options: Email, and Live Help real-time chat.

Email response times were relatively quick. I sent four different emails regarding four distinctly different issues, and their reply times varied between one hour and eighteen hours. That’s pretty good. Their response content was very good as well. Nothing was canned, which is common when dealing with other companies over email.

As for the online chat feature, while putting this review together I noticed that Questrade had repeatedly repositioned their live help’s green Chat button. I figure it’s probably because they are still finalizing on the best placement for it. But nonetheless, their chat button tends to be conveniently a fixed overlay on the right corner of most pages. It’s operational from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) from 8:00am – 8:00pm ET. When clicked it brings up a pop-up window.

After speaking with several online representatives — those who deal with potential new accounts and others who deal with existing accounts — I found them to be very well-informed, professional, and quick in their responses. They also took the extra time to provide external web links (those found outside the Questrade domain) for further reading which was a nice bonus. If the chat feature is unavailable (e. g., weekends, holidays, or outside service hours) you’re still able to leave a detailed message. When I tried this, I did receive a decent response when a representative returned.

For customer support over the phone, they are available Monday to Friday, 7:30am – 8:00pm ET. For forex trading, they are open much longer, including Sundays. When I did phone in, I found that they support English, French, and Mandarin languages. Coincidentally, being trilingual I was able to speak to representatives in all three languages. Hold times varied based on what I was calling about. During midday on a workweek I found the wait time for a new customer to be about one minute. When calling in as an existing customer, the wait time was much shorter. This may be coincidental, but I also found that using their live help was much quicker than calling into their offices. Overall, speaking over the phone with their different departments was a very relaxing and helpful experience. They know their stuff! And not once did I feel they were rushing to get the conversation ended quickly. It felt like I actually mattered.

Questrade has partnered with several financial service providers to help enhance your investment experience through third-party apps. Types of partner apps include trading platforms, stock pickers, performance recorders, statistics analyzers, portfolio monitors, etc. Once you grant permission to an app, it can access your account details (personal information is still kept private), retrieve market data, and assist you with placing trades through your Questrade brokerage account.

Granting permission to a third-party app is as simple as finding an app of interest within the App Hub library, clicking the Add to My Apps button, generating a special (and necessary) authorization token, downloading the associating partner’s app (and/or signing up for an account via their website), and then inputing your generated authorization token within the app.

The only apps authorized by Questrade are the ones listed in their library. If a third-party app is not listed there, then that specific app will not have access to your account. In other words, you cannot arbitrarily generate a generic authorization token for an unauthorized app.

Interestingly, you can create and register your own app and become a partner with Questrade. I will discuss this in more detail under the Developer Platform section of this review.

One strange quirk I did find, when you add a partner app it became difficult, if not impossible, to return to the App Hub library at a later time to add another app. Why Questrade didn’t add a navigable link back to the library on the My Apps page — if you’ve already added at least one app — is beyond me. Either this is an oversight, or a bug. I’ve reported this problem to them. Hopefully they fix it soon because the only way I could figure out how to return to the App Hub library was to remove all my apps. That’s very inconvenient. By the time you read this review it will probably already be fixed.

Beyond that little issue it was really fun and quite advantageous to have access to so many third-party apps.

Questrade’s security measures have improved dramatically over the years. They use an impressive 256-bit SSL class 3 extended validation for both logging in and trading. Extra security during the login process can be provided by enabling two-factor authentication. For those unfamiliar, two-factor authentication is an additional security layer which requires not just a username and password, but you must also use another device that you currently have in your possession — typically a phone — to input a special code shown on that device during the login process.

Questrade has an online security guarantee which insures investors against unauthorized transactions which result in a direct loss. This security guarantee, however, doesn’t extend to intruders breaching accounts on your end (i. e., browser vulnerability, PC/Mac infection). In other words, if there is fraudulent activity and it’s proven to be due to the negligence of Questrade they are in a position to cover your loss at 100%.

They are a CIPF (Canadian Investor Protection Fund) member, and so all Canadian investors are covered up to $1,000,000. They are also members of the IIROC (Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada). For claims that exceed $1,000,000, Questrade offers extended private insurance up to $10 million. You will need to contact them directly by phone for more details in getting this extension set up correctly.

Other noteworthy features: When joining, you must provide at least two security questions and answers — one of which gets asked when you attempt to log into your account from an unrecognized device. Once signed into your account your last login information is prominently displayed at the top-right corner with the date, time, device used, browser user agent, and the operating system of who last accessed your account.

And lastly, a special appreciation goes out to the ability to set up a personal identification number (PIN) from your customer profile page. This PIN is optional, but is used to make it quicker to identify you when phoning in. You still have to provide other information about yourself when speaking to a representative, but the verification process is much quicker. I found this very handy, especially because I had to call in several times to better review their customer service.

Developer Platform.

Developers interested in writing their own applications or using tools from other third-party vendors can rejoice because Questrade has their own application programming interface (API). It’s free to use and can execute, modify, and cancel stock & option orders on Canadian and U. S. exchanges; retrieve balances, and positions as far back as sixteen months; and fetch delayed and real-time market data. Their SDK with sample code is available for download in C++ and C#.

After a quick glance over Questrade’s very clean online API operations documentation, within ten minutes I had created my first, fully functional application in Microsoft Visual Studio C#. It’s very easy to make an app! I also love how they give access to a practice server for testing applications on. And once I had fixed all my bugs, I then was able to switch over to the live server. Very smart!

Questrade implements Representational State Transfer (REST) for reading and writing data, and the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework for their security protocol. Everything communicates through HTTPS only. The great thing about using REST and OAuth is that development time is significantly reduced, as was evident by the time it took for me to make my first app, because they are widely used, simple to understand, standards for a lot of online development.

I noticed there is an option to partner with Questrade so that your application can extend beyond your app’s library, and be made available to every Questrade customer. I did not test this feature because my application was just a simple proof-of-concept for this review, but I did speak with a technician who told me that there is no cost when partnering. Your application goes through a thorough quality assurance review, and if they feel your app will enhance their customers’ experiences, they will happily add it into the App Hub. Please note, though, if you develop a trading platform where your users make trades within your app on the live server, then your users will still get charged the same commission fees that they would have paid if they were using one of Questrade’s standard trading platforms.


My journey through the expansive financial world carved out by Questrade was a very enjoyable one. Although their list of achievements include free ETFs, very mature trading platforms, quality customer service, IPOs, and a comprehensive developer platform, their most impressive feature has to go to being able to execute trades as low as 1¢ per share (1¢ minimum for active traders; $4.95 minimum for non-active traders).

It has been decades now and Questrade continues to carry the honour of being Canada’s lowest cost discount brokerage company. Questrade’s low commission rate is so good it serves as an enticer to make more trades more often and not have to hesitate by attempting to time the market in hopes of lowering commission costs.

In MoneySense’s Canada’s Best Online Brokerages article, Questrade was top ranked as the best in terms of lowest fees and lowest commissions. They also received honourable mentions as the best in ease of use and overall independent broker.

I can’t think of anything negative to point out about this company. It’s very clear they want to be in this industry and stay as the market leader in Canada. When speaking to several of their representatives online and over the phone you could feel a strong sense of pride in their written words and spoken tone. There is clearly a strong and positive ecosystem in their workplace environment. The staff seem exceptionally knowledgeable when assisting, providing a fulfilling experience. This is a far cry from my past dealings with other brokerages and banks.

For most of my stock trading life I had been connected at the hip with my local bank. This was before I became more enlightened with better options that were out there. I’m sure this is the case for most people. Many of us usually get our first investment accounts at big banks (e. g., BMO InvestorLine, Scotia iTrade, RBC Direct Investing, TD Direct Investing) because of the ease to do so — we have our savings and chequing accounts with them already so it’s just logical to open a trading account there as well. Such conveniences, however, bring with it abuses by these banks onto their customers. And so it wasn’t until I became completely disillusioned by my bank’s high fees and endless shenanigans that I felt it was time to explore other financial outlets. And hence, here we are today and why I felt this ultimate Questrade review was a necessary obligation to write.

Should you join? Yes — a resounding YES! For someone like me, as a casual trader, who has experienced headaches with banks and other brokerage firms, it’s nice to finally find a good home at Questrade who doesn’t play games, nor charge exorbitant fees. Questrade fits my needs perfectly and helps unlock my potential as a growing investor.

Now I’d love to hear your opinion on Questrade. Leave a reply below, share this review, and rate them using the ratings gauge found at the very top.

Editor Rating: 90% out of 100.

Readers Rating: 95 % out of 100 ( 2207 votes)

Perguntas frequentes (FAQ)

This review has been updated many times over the years and, during such time, many questions have been asked by my readers in the comments section. For your convenience, I have compiled the most asked questions, with their corresponding answers, below.

Why Questrade?

Lowest commission cost per equity trade in Canada. Commission-free ETF trades. No annual fees. Free $50 when using Questrade offer code: Canada Questrade will cover the transfer-out fee when moving your brokerage account to them. Full-featured tools and trading platforms available on all devices. Very responsive customer service. Even when using live online help. Hold dual-currency (CAD and USD) simultaneously within registered accounts (e. g., RRSP) without automatic conversions, nor fees.

Is Questrade good?

Sim! Questrade offers a remarkably rich tapestry of features well tailored for new investors and seasoned traders. They also have the lowest costs of any other brokerage house in Canada, by far. Over the years, they have routinely demonstrated their hypercompetitiveness in this crowded industry by endlessly releasing new products, updates, and exploring untapped avenues (e. g., IPOs).

Where can I get the Questrade offer code?

To get $50 free from Questrade, simply type the following Offer Code: Canada into the Offer Code input box during the sign-up process.

What is the best way to convert CAD/USD?

To elminate currency exchange fees almost entirely when converting CAD/USD, you will want to use Norbert’s Gambit. To do this, you will use tickers: DLR. TO and DLR. U.TO . The former deals in CAD currency, the latter in USD currency.

To convert from CAD to USD:

Buy shares of DLR. TO (currency will be in CAD) in the amount that you want to convert into USD cash. Get ahold of a Questrade rep via live help chat or on the phone. Tell the rep that you want to journal over all of your newly acquired DLR. TO shares to its USD equivalent side (i. e., DLR. U.TO). Your shares will now shift from DLR. TO to DLR. U.TO and be in USD currency. Sell all of your DLR. U.TO shares. You will now have USD cash.

To convert from USD to CAD:

Buy shares of DLR. U.TO (currency will be in USD) in the amount that you want to convert into CAD cash. Get ahold of a Questrade rep via live help chat or on the phone. Tell the rep that you want to journal over all of your newly acquired DLR. U.TO shares to its CAD equivalent side (i. e., DLR. TO). Your shares will now shift from DLR. U.TO to DLR. TO and be in CAD currency. Sell all of your DLR. TO shares. You will now have CAD cash.

The entire process can take up to 1-2 business days to complete. The full details of your conversion is recorded under myQuestrade’s Account Activity page.

Can I short sell?

Yes, you can short stocks in margin accounts. Registered accounts (e. g., RRSP), however, cannot short because of Canadian government regulations.

Do their platforms support Mac/Linux?

Yes, their trading platforms are available for Mac and Linux users. Questrade’s trading platforms are also available for Windows, iOS, and Android devices. For Linux users Trading with Questrade, their responsive HTML browser-based web application, is what’s used.

My bank doesn’t accept Questrade account #s.

Most people will fund their Questrade accounts through their bank’s bill payment method. However, some banks still impose an eight character limit. You can get around this problem by using just the first eight digits of your ten digit Questrade account #.

How do I get trading reports before 2018?

If you have been a Questrade member before 2018, then you may have already discovered that their Trade Confirmations database, which claims to carry your trading details dating back to January 1st, 2009, in fact only rolls back to February 4th, 2018. Sadly, you may no longer have access to these older trading reports because Penson, Questrade’s old clearinghouse partner, who stockpiled these much older reports, has now shut its doors for good. When speaking with Questrade’s representatives, I got inconsistent answers on whether they still have these very old reports or not.

How do I stop paper-mailed investor documents?

Initially, shareholder communications (i. e., voting requests, annual meeting summaries, financial reports) are sent as paper mail to your physical address. For those who wish to save the environment by saving a few trees you can alternatively opt to receive these correspondence documents through electronic mail instead. A convenient free service called InvestorDelivery exists where you can set up to receive all of your investor correspondence electronically. InvestorDelivery requires a special ID that is stamped in the header region of each of your paper documents. So you’ll have to wait and receive a paper document of a security you own before you can switch over to its electronic alternative.

How do I avoid paying ECN Fees?

ECN fees are fees enforced onto Questrade by an external network that charges you for making a transaction which removes liquidity from the market (i. e., buying at the ask or selling at the bid). Questrade doesn’t make any money from ECN fees; they simply pass this collected fee to the designated network to execute your order. Although these fees translate to mere pennies, one can avoid paying them altogether by executing transactions as a limit (or stop) order at the bid/ask instead of as a market order request. For U. S. stocks you can also send orders to non-direct access ECN networks (i. e., LAMP, MNGD, or POST) to avoid these fees completely.

How do I avoid mutual fund trailer fees?

Questrade will rebate mutual fund trailer fees. They call this their Mutual Fund Maximizer . Trailer fees are commissions by fund management companies paid to brokerage houses for being the retailer that sold you your fund(s). This commission is an ongoing source of revenue for brokerages as long as you keep holding onto those fund(s). You don’t see this fee because it’s part of the MER of the fund. So, Questrade is willing to rebate this fee back to you every quarter. Mas há uma captura. You need a minimum of $36,000 in mutual fund holdings to be eligible for this rebate. The reasoning is simple: There is a processing fee of $29.95/month. So, the rebates will start paying back if your mutual fund holdings is worth more than $36,000 (based on a 1% trailer fee).

What is the interest rate when buying on margin?

Most people will sign up for the standard margin account, which gives you access to borrow funds at an amount more than your current cash balance. This extended buying power ability is very useful and can come in handy when you need to jump on market opportunities. Assuming you’ve bought on margin and haven’t settled your stocks after three days of the purchase, the margin interest rate can be as low as prime + 2.5%, which is in-line with most brokerages.

What is Margin Power?

Margin Power is a free service by Questrade that allows you to link your existing TFSA account (held at Questrade) to your margin account. Doing so increases your buying power within your margin account by leveraging the assets you already own inside your TFSA, making it enormously convenient to enter new positions without requiring a transfer of new cash or selling existing securities.

How do I register for a DRIP?

A dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), which is also known as a direct purchase plan (DPP), allows you to reinvest your stock’s dividend income automatically into the purchase of additional shares of that security without paying any trading commissions. To register for a DRIP, log into your Questrade account, navigate to Account Management > Find Forms , and download & fill out the one page PDF file: Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) Authorization . You’d then use Upload Documents to send your signed form to Questrade. It takes up-to 24 hours to process your request. If you ever sell off your security entirely, your DRIP will be canceled.

Replies to this Review.

Sergio says:

Bitcoins? Você está falando sério? That is the first time i have ever heard someone suggest it. It would be pretty cool if discount houses accepted it. Questrade are you listening? It would put a unique new edge for them. Nice suggestion!

Renaldo says:

Anyone know if questrad accepts bitcoins for deposits?

Hailey F says:

Yup i just had to leave TD and join Questrade because their commissions were crazy. So i thank you for this very descent questrade review because its enough to get me to convert. Also a double thanks for the free questrade offer code for $50 it worked for me.

BeachPTA says:

@Curious Me it sounds like you are a low-activity investor (or someone new) and so Questrade will likely be best for you since they have no hidden fees and its a no nonsense place. I've been with them for 6 years and its been great.

Curious Me says:

Hey is Ques trade for me? As a student i am looking to buy some stocks.

$5K or so so nothing crazy and doing so for long-term.

Kinsley says:

Goodbye iTrade. Hello Questtrade! Finally, what i was looking for. So this offer code is still good right?

Gaige says:

Thanks for the questrade promotional code. Was brought here looking for one. I assume its called a ofer code too.

Ulric M says:

As a matter of fact yes its possible to transfer TFSA registered accounts @ben. But just realise that doing so may (usually does) incur a transfer fee out of the bank. Questrade doesn't have any transfer-in fee but your local bank might have a transfer-out fee so best to call them up and ask if they do. Should be an easy process to transfer.

But you are correct that if you manually withdrawal from the account you actually lose that space for the remainder of the year.

Immanuel says:

Its easy. Inside your Questrade account click Accounts > Account Management tab. Currency Settlement is located under the Summary section. Hope that helps ya!

Ben T says:

Can someone walk me through my Questrade account in how to change currency settlement preference?

Abraham Barns says:

Although i appreciate the intense work put into making this review i am satisified with having the questrade $50 offer code so thank you and i will be joining tomorrow.

Jarred says:

T5 and RRSP contribution slips will be made available to all those wondering within the first 60 days of this new year.

Carlton Newsham says:

Hi @Anonymous. That's a common question. Because it is a registered account the moment you make a deposit into the account it is counted as a contribution right away. You will get a tax receipt for tax deduction purposes. So cash inside RRSP is still counted as a contribution.

Dimitri says:

Hey cool i am creating a questrade account right now and online signing works! Looks like i am almost set to go. Hoping i can begin trading tomorrow because i have a few picks i want to get into asap!

Brooks Bloomer says:

I was looking for a questrade offer code and it lead me here. Much thanks and god bless!

Anonymous Coward says:

I'm a total newbie and was wondering. Yea so i have a questrade rrsp account now. So does it count as an RRSP contribution if i transfer money into it or do i have to like buy stocks and stuff for it to count as contribution?

Shae Troutman says:

If it wasnt for this $50 offer code for questrade you mentioned above i would wait until my partner got back from overseas. I can't resist free cha-ching! 🙂

Wade Swaffer says:

Thsi review is massive! Bookmarked and shared on Facebook. Hey 95% rating is a good enough indicator for me so thank you.

Xenon says:

Although i am a US citizen i just wanted to inform other people that are in my situtation that you can indeed open a Questrade account like me but you must have a Canadian residency address. É assim tão simples. So you should be able to even get the $50 questrade promotions too.

Zayne says:

Nice work putting this together. I remember these guys when they first started nearly two decades ago and never really considered joining. Reading this i now have to go call and do some digging with ScotiaBank because in many ways i didnt know i had other options that could save me money if i switch over to someone like this.

Darrion M says:

Anyone recently shorting a stock? Just wondering i use the bid price or what? I was going to ask their online live help rep but it seems you guys here are more in depth and more conversational.

Beau Dean says:

Anyone else having issues with the money organizer site: Mint when connecting to Questrade? I spoke with their reps and they say it should be fine so i was thinking to talk with Q's guys and they said it's likely Mint has some bug on their portal's site. It's very strange and annoying because i depend on them to combine all my portfolios. I wish mint would take the matter seriously because obviously Quest trade is the biggest in Canada and so alot of people use them. Hope its resolved soon. If anyone has tips to get it working (if it works for you) i'd love to here it.

Landon V. says:

Great questrade review! And as bonus you gave me $50 questrade offer code that worked! Muito obrigado.

C-Type Anderson says:

Punch drunk. Was becoming fed up looking for a thorough review on online stock brokers and finally hit the mother load of good luck here. My wife and I are getting more involved with our finances since we are starting a family and wanted to make sure we got a full understanding of these guys. Looks like a good place to park for our RESP.

Oh great now you are forcing me to tweet this review to my girlfriends. We are in a Stock Trading neighborhood group and always on the look out for awesome trading tips. This is fantastic and i really aprpeciate the hard work put into it.

Magen says:

It's only because of questrade's amazingly low commission charges that i will take a crack at it so i can do more short selling. This could save me a bundle.

Yale Collingsworth says:

Looks like Questrade receives an "A-" from Better Business Bureau!

That's good enough for me! Thanks for the fantastic questrade review and more importantly for my sake a valid questrade offer code for $50 smackers!

Joey Everhart says:

Yea i signed up and it all worked out like a charm. Got up and going in 24 hours (i wired my $ in).

Andrae M says:

If memory serves me Questrade will email you when tax slips are available in their usual Client Notices.

For Interest and Dividend slips (T5) they are available in early March.

For those who made contributions to their RRSP registered accounts between March 2nd and Dec 31st of the previous tax year slips are available in early February (if not slightly sooner). For those who make contributions between January 1st and February 29th then the corresponding slips are available between the 1st of February and end of March of the following year.

Beau Paker says:

When does Questrade post tax slips each year?

Mathew T says:

Just came here through search because i am looking for a trading platform that is inviting to beginners. From your super duper review of questrade i will give them a try and see how things work out for me.

I appreciate the $50 questrade promotional code.

Jerome Haddock says:

@Josh W., that's correct there is no fee to make transfers from one institution to another. Diverta-se.

Phoenix says:

I plan on trying out RBC DI but am with Disnat, Questrade, and TD DI. As it stands Questrade provides me with the best experiences.

Josh W. says:

So how easy is it to transfer stocks from Scotiabank (iTrade) to Questrade because i am sick of iTrade's commission trade fees?

There shouldn't be any fee to transfer funds right?

Edwin Bellier says:

questrade promo code worked for me! Received a deposit of $50 today! Giving you my thanks!

Boondocks says:

Got me $50 from the offer code today. I opened a registered account. However, i almost forgot i had to fund my account with the minimum $1,000 to get the free $50. So dont forget!

Anyway, had to come back here and give my huge gratitude for an awesome review!

Mama Loves says:

Questrade is fine Skyler. I have my Margin, TFSA, RRSP, and my daughter's RESP with them.

They're always improving all the time and am happy with them.

Oscar M. says:

I'm now with both Questrade and TD Direct Investing and I've never had a problem with Q; on the other hand TD messed up my account big time last month.. and the worst thing is they have been so tied tight with them that i cant just leave them which is why i am with both companies. :s.

Ugh! I knew i should have opened a trading TFSA account with these guys than to open a low-interest bearing savings account with my local bank. And now i see i could have gotten $50 in free trades from that questrade offer code shown above. Darn!

I guess it's too late to move my money since CRA will penalize me for withdrawl from my TFSA and deposit into a new TFSA (re-contribution can only happen once a year).

Does Questrade support the ability to transfer my TFSA account to them from my bank?

Smart Invest says:

Handy tip for n00bs out there. When using IQ or any other platform to trade (or get a quote) TSX-listed securities make sure to use. TO at the end of the trading symbol.

So for example a Claymore ETF like CDZ would actually be CDZ. TO.

For those buying Calymore ETFs (like me) Questrade offers a PACC (pre-authorized cash contribution plan) to purchase additional units of Claymore ETFs commission free. Doesn't get sweeter than that.

George says:

Ok, ok i am back to say that QuestradeIQ is growing on me and i was wrong to bash the loss of QuestraderWEB. So i take it back. It's really good.

Lazaro Kellum says:

Finally a $50 offer code for questrade. Was hunting for a good one. Obrigado!

So far its been 9-months. Wanted to return and express my thanks to this brilliant questrade review in making me aware of these guys. It's been an enjoyable experience. Cant be happier with the joining.

Chauncey O. says:

Ok confirmed the Canada questrade promo offer code works! Obrigado!

Oakley says:

My 2cents to the conversation below on registered vs non-registered accounts. For the tax concious any gains can be offset by your capital losses from prior years (i believe it is for any unclaimed from prior 4-5 years). Gains are taxed by way of 50% of it at your current tax bracket. So effectively you are looking at around 15% tax rate at the highest tax bracket. Seems in line with the U. S. which in my opinion is comically low despite my benefiting at such a low rate. We should be paying more on capital gains since people who can afford it (i am in the 1%) aren't technically paying our fair share since we are investing our fortunes in the stock market and not doing actual work.

Jorden says:

Anyone here a Questrade Forex enthusiast? How tight are the spreads? I've used Interactive Brokers for forex trading and just wondering how they compare.

Ervin A says:

Amazing questrade review. Crazy, super details!

Shelton Stollard says:

if you plan to learn @skyler then i suggest you try their virtual account since it doesnt involve real money. For real money i recommend a non-registered account because you can at least deduct capital losses against your gains; registered accounts dont have that privilege. But as the other fellow said you do get taxed whereas registereds either don't or is deferred.

Bryson A. says:

LOL i just noticed the conversion rate in Questrades registered accounts are much more favorable to me than using other places like XE or even my local banks. That alone just got me to tell my friend to hook up with them. Thanks for the questrade offer code btw!

Skyler says:

Great discussion here. I notice some talk on registered accounts and so i am on the verge of pulling the trigger and opening a registered account and was wondering if some had advice to newbies starting online trading with Questrade which type of account is more suitable for a starving undergrad wanting to acquire experience. Should i just go with a regular or a tfsa or other registered type of account?

Bradyn Nesbitt says:

As far as i know @steve you can indeed add other users to your account. I believe some of the screenshots above show this but i am not entirely sure you can pre-select how a specific person has certain types of account access. If anything i believe it only gives full access or a pre-set limited access to all.

I strongly recommend you speak to one of their online agents which are pretty knowledgeable and quick. The link to them is somewhere in this comment section or review.

Steve the Shop Owner says:

I am a sole properitor and i thank you for a wonderfully detailed questrade review and your snapshots really make things crystal clear. I was wondering how many authorized personel i can add to my account once opened?

I have several family members that work for me and i would like to give them certain access to the trading account (each having different types of privileges). Does Questrade offer such granularity for accounts?

Maddox says:

AFAIK @carey the vast majority of OTC and pink sheet stocks aren't eligible to be held in a registered account as per the rules governed on ALL Canadian brokers. However i recommend you talk to them via their live-help window to see if a specific OTC/Pink stock is there to be held in a registered account such as a TFSA. Hey, you never know.

Carey says:

Anyone know if opening a TFSA account one can then buy OTC or PINK stocks?

Addison L says:

Hi @Sandwich Monster. Like the questrade review's discussion says, Questrade appears to be trying to allow a wider base of users since IQ Mobile is primarily for iOS users (iPhone) and Android users. Which leaves out Linux and Windows phones to name a few.

Their Trade Platform is independent and so it allows for Linux users (like me) who use a custom rom on my phone to have access to trading. So for me Trade is definitely essential otherwise i cant get online to trade.

My guess is Trade, with its quality use of HTML 5, will usually be the most popular choice. At least that is what i can see after reading this in depth review.

Sandwich Monster says:

I just tried and successfully was able to use Trade and IQ Mobile on my tablet and so I am a bit confused as to why the need for both platforms? Why not just one or the other? Anyone know?

Kip Gerleman says:

There is so much advice out there but to narrow things down opening a TFSA in Questrade basically means you wish to use it to trade stocks and ETFS but any gains you make are not taxed by CRA. A regular account isn't so lucky (in terms of realized capital gains). It really depends on what you want to do. TFSA has its own restrictions like any withdraws can't be contributed back into the account again until the next year (Canada nationwide rule for this type of account).

Questrade appears to be the best for low cost, no silliness trading and this $50 questrade offer code helps tremendously for new comers since you can do a lot of trades on the house 💡

Been with Questrade for four months now and wanted to return to this questrade reivew to give my mini review.

I am not a person with a lot of words but i actually like them. They offer everything i am looking for and their trade tool (IQ as they call it) is very good, especially the one i keep using called IQ Edge.

My only complaint is that i wish their Live Help representatives were a bit more responsive but maybe it's because they are getting more order requests. So its not a big deal but wanted to point it out.

So, thanks so much Canadian Profiteer. You guys really helped put my mind at ease in this financial world.

Gerald Winkler says:

To go one step further to your post Cookie Muncher just remember that there are free routes also available that one can use to avoid all ECN fees entirely; so you can just place it as a market order and not bother with making it a limit order. Questrade has all the free routers: MNGD, POST, and LAMP. Check out their ecn fees.

Jorge Blanchard says:

I'm here because i am sick of Interactive brokers. Their customer service is bad and i am always on hold so i am giving Questrade a try because i need a new outlet. I've tried calling them and they were very quick so that is good. Based on the popularity of this questrade review i will join and use the $50 promo code and see how things go.

Cookie Muncher says:

Actually @questrade you didn't mention there are those tiny ECN fees but then it occurred to me that if one were to perform limit orders there won't be ECN or other fees to contend with.

Kalen Page says:

Actually, as long as you have all ur debt paid off then a quality ETF is ready and waiting with your name on it. Most people think ETFs track equities but that isn't always true. For those conservative types i think its best with a diversified collection of bond ETFs.

Granted you may need to buy a multitude of different holdings but with the questrade offer code i see mentioned above on this site you can alievate any hesitation in purchases since its free.

Sydney V. says:

I can't believe i am going to join merely because this $50 offer code is staring me in the face. Can't resist 🙂

Bradford B. says:

You should read the above questrade review again because it specifically says that transfering USD funds from a USD account via ETF is not possible due to Canadian restrictions. However, you should be able to do it through say Pre-authorized Deposit initiated at Questrade within your member's account, among other ways. Just read the review again for the details.

Chant says:

@Questrade, it still amazes me that no other discount broker seems to want to compete against you guys in this area on pricing. Thanks for the informative post.

Questrade says:

Olá a todos. I work for Questrade and want to clarify any confusion.

Questrade's stock commission pricing is $0.01/share as indicated above in this review. It's a minimum charge of $4.95 and a max of $9.95.

So some examples:

15,782 shares – $9.95.

We have the lowest commission pricing in all of Canada. Espero que ajude!

Eliseo says:

I thank you for this questrade review seeing as how i was coming here trying to find answers on how to switch my paper notifications of my holdings to be electronic instead. I didn't realise Investor Delivery was related to how i did that. I wish i knew earlier.

So much thanks for a time saver.

Zacharia says:

Thanks for the questrade offer code. Wasn't sure to join but the $50 was the decider for us. Tenha um ótimo dia!

Cristopher S. says:

Great review you got here! Plan on switching to questrade this month.

Caelan DeCamp says:

@josh: i heard about this too way back through one of their customer representatives. They made it live a long time ago.

It makes settlement and record keeping much faster. Recall that Penson Financial Services also served as their bank transfering unit. So by self-clearing we are able to add more of the other banks that currently arent showing up for pre-authorized deposits.

This is one of those big deals no one is talking about sadly.

It's a really quite simple process @Joe and something that is talked about thoroughly in the questrade review above. You merely need to set your account to settle in trade currency.

Most Questrade accounts (including registered) are actually sub-accounts that can hold both CAD and USD currency.

Ahhh so Questrade dropped their ties with Penson and became their own self-clearing service. All i can say is: Finally! One of the big reasons i left Questrade was because of Penson. I’m now reconsidering. A new day!

Hillary Fischer says:

Confirmation post — $50 questrade offer code given above is real and worked for me. My deposits came in the next day! Woohooo.

Mohamed says:

Anyone know if they plan on integrating Mutual Fund Centre within IQ because right now it feels distinctly separate and is inside my Questrade members page. I tend to trade funds and so having it inside IQ would help tremendously instead of having to switch over to another window.

Darrin M says:

All this time i thought Questrade was QTrade. Seems they are two different brokerage firms. Hã? I am glad i found this. I guess my mind is made up after reading this questrade review. Huge insight i never knew about them.

Jamari says:

I wish the Trade Platform could change the colour scheme like it does for IQ Edge. The white/gray look is nice but some times it gets boring and i want a Black theme to it.

Matthew K says:

I didn't realize i could sign up for a new account and while waiting create a practice IQ account. That's pretty good. Muito útil!

Yogi Stephens says:

Very extensive questrade review people! Uau! I was expecting only a few lines and BOOM i get the whole spread! Presents have arrived! ROFL!!

Dan W. says:

Ahh shucks! You shouldn't have. This questrade review is mindboggling in its clarity and depth. Probably not necessary for the vast vistors who read it. At least you aren't one of those reviews like for movies that make you read the whole thing before you can decipher if it was good or not. roflmao!

Yea so you guys did a kick-ass job here. I will become a member in the coming days especially with that questrade offer code in hand 🙂

Goofing around with IQ Mobile on iPhone and Android and it feels like more effort was placed in the iPhone experience.

Jaret Bannister says:

For the person asking regarding specific currency thing and dont quote me but if you hold CAD currency and want to buy US securities it is automatically converted to US$ and the security is bought. Because of buying power if the purchases take a day to convert you just assume it is bought on your margin buying power.

Now if the equity gets sold in the currency of that equity (e. g. selling US equity in US$) an another process is made where it then converts it to CA$ and you are back to where you started. Don't quote me on this. I found it on their site somewhere.

Ryder D. says:

I still cant get out of my head the idea of stock trading and how it differs from say something like online poker. Strange field. I am 18 and keep getting advice from family that i should learn to invest but just too paranoid about investing my money in stocks out of fear i will lose it.

I should (and do plan) to read many investing books but its funny that even experts with 50+ years experience still seem like throwing darts at a board.

At least with these Questrade folks i can ensure i am not going to be taken on some fees ride that i would see with other companies. So i guess when i am ready i will return this questrade review and open an account then.

Debenture Trading God says:

Just signed up and having a peak in my new account to familarize myself. Looks cool! I was a bit unsure but i think i am going to enjoy this place. I haven't tried out their trading platforms yet so i am relying on the details here. Can't wait to start trading!

King T. says:

Thanks for the $50 questrade offer code! Was in desparate need for one tonight.

Lexis White says:

I'm an Options trader and you've got my attention. I'll be back to read more later. Bom trabalho.

Julie in LOVE says:

Okay i joined Quest trade and wanted to give a heads up to newbies. It took me two days in total to go from not knowing who they were to being able to trade. The longest part was actually getting my bank to transfer in the minimum $1,000 to fund the account.

It was amazingly quick and super easy.

Lots of love for this questrade review! I've sent it off to my contacts on Facebook and Twitter!

Feisty404 says:

All these years with Questrade and i never realized i could look to Limit my orders to avoid ECN fees. Sure that fee is tiny to non-existent (1/16th of a penny for my case on average) but still. I think your site is the only place i have ever read that mentions this unique but useful money saver. Surprised thank you!

Capn' Crunch says:

Okay i am signing up right now and its funny i can't think of a user ID that hasnt been taken. It's crazy! They must have a lot of members if the last 10 ids i've picked have been taken 🙁

Had to resort to using my full name with random #s at the end. RI MUITO!

Estoques e amp; Bonds Holder says:

Wow, all these years being with them i never realised they had TFSA accounts until i read this questrade review. How dumb of me.

Right now my TFSA is with a credit union but i think it makes more logical sense to have it as a trading account since i can earn (potentially) more through cap gains.

Sage T. says:

Hi my fellow Canadian questraders! Still in the process of signing up and making the necessary transfers from my other discount broker. I couldnt resist using the questrade promo code and no fees. I have been getting abused by my old broker and so i said ok lets do this.

Hmm, i just realized i would like to have my mother on my account and ability to sign on through this one account you know like having authorized users for credit cards. I will have to talk to questrade to see if i can make this happen.

Bronson McCurdy says:

I just turned 19 and this review was pretty good after reading it all. I plan on joining but i dont know my Social Insurance Number. Is it mandatory to have it or can i provide another form of id? I guess i can call the government to find it out or something. I will look up and see what to do. I'll be back.

Hilary P. says:

I'm purely interesting in joining because there aren't too many places that offer IPO's especially at a low cost rate. I will have to give them a call to see what they have to offer. My hope is they offer US IPOs too, not just Canadian. Anyway i really, really am indepted for the hard work put into this writing.

Eat Your Oats! says:

Funny that i discovered this questrade review by desparately looking for an answer as to why i wasnt able to add questrade in EasyWeb bank account. I think you guys are doing an amazing job keeping this thread so current because i never knew i could ignore the extra digits. That goes a long way because i can now add them into my accounts, not just at TD.

Thumbs up to everyone!

Ethan D says:

I did a thorough look around and yea this $4.95 per trade is the cheapest i could find. Good enough for me. Questrades got a new customer.

Lawrence Arthur says:

Questrade IQ Mobile app is awesome and hopefully it will continue to improve over the years. Some nice new additions would be to include more advanced charts and support a 2-factor kind of authentication. I know they have 2-step option when using desktop but that is not the same thing. Yes most sites dont support 2-factor but it would be nice since questrade is moving towards mobile heavily. Anyway, again its great and just hooking up with questrade to get at mobile is more than worth it. 😎 I still have $20 of my questrade promo code so i am living it up! 😛 😛

Felipe says:

Thanks for the social icons. I tweeted this beast out to my followers.

Kegan Kendrick says:

ROFL. You know your questrade review is too detailed when you start getting into a discussion ont he underlying coding methodology (c++) being used by its trading platforms. I love it! Thumbs up bro!

Camden Dann says:

I came here after not knowing what democratic pricing meant. lol! Dummy me i know. Well after reading this thick review i now understand. I will probably hook up with them in a few days.

Fergus J says:

I am also a buy and hold investor and was looking for a place like Questrade to park. I will admit that in time i will likely become more active and so i like to be the one who decides when that happens.

Tyreke B. says:

It's funny that i learned more about IQ Edge through this amazing questrade review than i did from their actual site. Bookmarking this page for future reference.

Ralph S. says:

Actually @crumpstump if you read this questrade review you will notice it says that all accounts will remain active and open if you keep at least $250 in equity so even though you hadnt used your account for nearly a decade it is reasonable to think it would be fine.

However, i dont think you can grandfather your account into using the questrade offer code for the $50 in free trades. I think you will need to open a new account or potentially have to start a new application independent of your current account. Best way is to speak to their representative to see what your options are. Better to be safe and find out info.

crumpstump says:

Honestly, i didn't realize Questrade was still around. I was with them some 8 years ago and never really used my account. I only found out they existed by stumbling onto this Questrade review from a social bookmark site.

Ok i just checked and noticed my questrade account is still working. Hã? Well that is nice to see i didnt get charged anything to have it sitting around. I totally forgot about it. Hey, can i make use of this questrade promo code/offer code thingy or is it for only new members? Seeing as how i havent used my account for years i guess i could just create a new account and use the promo code.

Brendon B says:

I've used Internet Explorer and i can say although IQ works perfectly with it i notice that this trading platform runs much faster in Firefox, and Chrome. So i recommend everyone skip Safari and IE and use FF and Chrome instead. Just my objective analysis if that helps.

Lonnie says:

Thanks for the trading platform video links. I wish their were more videos though.

Clarence says:

I applaud the comprehensiveness to this questrade review. I was looking for some information on IQ Edge since their reps weren't being too helpful and this place really quenched my curiosity.

Nicolas R says:

Thank god for their html 5 trading platform. I dont have a computer but use a Sun OS system here at school and so i can only use that trading platform. Great work here guys!

Javier says:

Is it possible to add direct links at the bottom of this questrade review for accessibility to more information about a certain topic mentioned? I find I keep returning here for extended reading and so it would be a nice bonus — makes things easier.

My husband and I are strongly leaning on joining questrade. We're hoping this questrade offer code will be good for two of us if we open a joint account ($100?). If not i guess we will open separate ones. Muitas felicidades.

Frankie Pitt says:

I wish IQ would allow me to change the coloring in their mobile app. Other than that its descent. I've been banging my head for a mobile version to make trades for years now so i shouldn't whine too much 🙂

Korey S says:

Was put on hold for a bit with them so i decided to do a search online and it pointed me to this questrade review which answered my question as i was on the phone. ri muito. Então, muito obrigado. I've shared this with a few buddies of mine on Facebook.

Kelvin P says:

I wholehartedly agree with this review entirely! Brilliant analysis! I've been trying to decide on a place to start investing through and i hope my concerns have been answered.

A big hi-O from PEI!

Norris says:

It's funny because as an American i found this review as a hopeful alternative to my options here in Colorado. I will give these guys a call tomorrow and see what i need to join. Fantastic write up from a fellow down south. 🙂

Maurice says:

@Varment: Fret not young son. As it appears you still have the option of using the full range of trading online through your web browser if you use Firefox or Chrome for linux (or whatever its name is for your system).

You can read above in this questrade review that a thing called Trading is there and should quell the pain by removing all dependency needs like plugins and goes all html5. So it will be as universal as it gets. Hope that helps ya.

That Dang Varment! says:

Been a long time Linux user so i am a bit disappointed that after reading here that IQ collection isn't made for Linux boxes too even though its clear they were aiming at a wider audience by targeting macOS and Windows systems. Ah well.

Isidore Cozad says:

Be careful #maximus, if you are only planning on being with them so you can take advantage of some promotional offer without understanding how the stock market works you just might lose more than the free money they are handing out.

However, if you are deligent in your research before you invest (e. g. reading prospectuses, analysing charts) then have at it.

Just my meaningless advice.

Maximus says:

Can i just open a questrade account and just use this 50 bux questrade promo code to get the cash and close it down? That would be sweet! 😛 LOL.

Tygarian Dragon says:

Ok yea so i admit i enjoy Questrade IQ more than i thought seeing as how i was very vocal about leaving behind the older trading platform. I still wish they would allow me to select to go back to it but whatever.

I am pleased they are regularly adding new features so that is good. I had feared that they would just update it once and forget about it for years. So far i average about a new update every month. Impressionante!

Foxtrot Penny Pincher says:

@nana, you aren't alone in your thinking. You didn't mention if you are a member or not but I joined questrade about a year ago after reading this review and its been a good trek over from my bank (which i won't name out of fear i might get punished).

Savion H. says:

Ahhh just discovered after reading this questrade review that my browser wasn't up to date to support questrade trading platform. Ups! 😳 I always assumed Safari would update by itself. Had been using Safari v3 for years and never realized it. Thanks for the quick info on the browsers required. I'm gone.

Nana V. says:

One of the biggest surprises I have is that Questrade is still the only real alternative for us as Canadians who want to keep costs down and have an enjoyable experience. Why must i pay $19.99 to make a simple trade with TD Direct Investing and then get charged ongoing fees each month when i can just join Q and sit and watch my investments grow at no cost?

Questrade Review 2018 – Plus $50 Free Commission Offer.

- Low minimum deposits.

- Near perfect IQ Edge platform.

- Greatly improved customer service.

- Free research tools.

- Top of the line security.

- An excess of extra features.

- Mobile platform is sluggish and needs improvement.

Selecting a broker is one of the most daunting tasks for a new investor. Nobody wants to be stuck in an agonizing relationship. Bad customer service, high commissions, or unresponsive platforms can cause things to get contentious for traders and investors alike. This is especially true when you are just beginning to learn how to buy stocks. When you’re a beginner, you need a platform that works seamlessly to avoid any unnecessary road blocks that can be detrimental to your progression. This is why we have decided to publish this Questrade review. To help new investors have a closer look at a platform that may work for them.

There is always a market leader that does all the right things to cleanly and clearly separate itself from the crowd. Consequently, this winner always has inquiries about its place at the top, or rather the reasons as to why it is there.

Questrade is the leader in the discount brokers market. We receive tons of questions on this broker, which is why we decided to do a Questrade review. Alas, such an analysis is needed as it could be the case that the winner is at the top not due its capabilities, but due to the shortcomings of its competitors.

Who are Questrades competitors?

The market is filled to the hilt with brokers, but generally, Interactive Brokers, Virtual Brokers, Qtrade, Scotia Itrade along with Questrade are among our top 5 picks for brokers in Canada.

However, that analysis is superficial and thus an in-depth review going through the nitty-gritty of a broker’s features is warranted. Such a deep review will be useful for not only new investors but also for those thinking about making a change. So without further ado, let’s dive into our Questrade review for 2018.

At this point in time, you may be curious about Questrade’s path to the top. The firm was established in 1999, a time when almost every broker worldwide would charge a pretty penny for the services that they provide.

In such a market, Questrade came in with a double pointed approach of lower commissions and better service. This is something that was unheard of before. In the following years, it won top honors from the likes of The Globe and Mail, MoneySense Magazine, and Deloitte annual rankings. Questrade also took home Canada’s best-managed company award for several years.

Not being part of the big banks was propitious to the broker. It allowed Questrade to be nimble and agile. This allowed them to access a market which was previously a playground for the rich and famous only. It’s agility also allowed quick reaction to the ever changing market and provide certain investment opportunities (such as ETFs) before the big banks.

**NOTE** Before we jump into this Questrade review, keep in mind that some programs are specifically geared towards trading, while others are designed for investing. To avoid any confusion we’ll just define the two:

Investing: Buying and selling securities with the intent of holding for extended periods of time. An example of this type of investor may be someone who invests long term in blue-chip dividend stocks.

Trading: Buying and selling securities with the intent of holding for only short periods of time, possibly weeks, but more so for only days or even hours. An example of this type of investor may be someone who trades penny stocks.

With that clarified we’ll continue. Here is everything you need to know about one of the most attractive online stock brokerages available…

Our Questrade Review For 2018.

Most investors start with good intentions and big dreams until the blood curdling sets in when it comes to creating their trading account. Often due to cumbersome procedures, this can lead the strongest of the strong-willed investors off their path and cause them to dump their dreams into the demoralized investors landfill. Even worse, some may just scurry to their bank and murmuringly accept the high fees charged in exchange for the convenience that comes with opening an account where you already have a checking account.

Setting up an account with Questrade.

When it comes to setting up an account Questrade is, however, a black swan in the world of discount brokers. The process is well thought out and keeps the end-user in mind. The end result is an uplifting experience for investors right at the onset. In fact, you can get acquainted with the interface in just 2 minutes by signing up for a practice account.

For the proper account, the setup process does not take more than 20 minutes. We highly recommend that you use the intuitive, streamlined and uncomplicated online setup process. The best part about it? DocuSign technology. All your documents can be electronically signed. What this does is leads to a reduction in unnecessary delays due to legality and incomplete information issues. Not to mention the fact that in today’s society of growing impatience, fast is king. Nobody wants to have to print out documents and mail them.

You’ll need four things over the course of the application:

Social insurance number (SIN)

Bank account information.

Employment details (or source of income if unemployed)

Your beneficiaries information(if you want to appoint one)

The first step is to create a user ID and password. Fortunately, this is a step above the old system where Questrade used your e-mail as the ID and sent you an autogenerated password. The new system is safer and allows the user to save an application and come back to it at a later stage if they are pressed for time.

Questrade Review 2018: Questrade account types and deposit options.

In terms of the types of accounts, users can choose between Managed Investing or Self-Directed. As one could surmise, a self-directed account is user-controlled. The investor is the only person responsible for their demise or propulsion into the ranks of Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch. As for managed accounts, we will provide more details when we delve into the details of the Portfolio IQ account.

The pleasure ride with Questrade does not end there. They make life easy during the most important step of the process, the transfer of money. To begin there is a deluge of options to choose from which are mentioned below.

**An important point to note, the first two methods are absolutely free**

Direct online deposit (EFT)

Certified cheque or bank draft.

Transfer from another brokerage (has to under the same name)

In terms of time, the entire process of transfer is usually between 3 to 4 business days – this is only the first-time transfer. After the initial deposit, further deposits using the same method typically take no longer than 2 business days. Withdrawal times are different from deposit times and can take up to 3 days. Questrade often requires confirmation of identity and that you are the account holder where the withdrawal is going.

What types of self-managed accounts can I open with Questrade?

Canadians have the option to option a large variety of accounts at Questrade, including the following:

Organization Margin Accounts.

Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP)

Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRA)

Registered Retirement Income Funds (RIF)

Life Income Funds (LIF)

Fully Managed Accounts.

Questrade Review 2018: How does Questrade fare for US clients or Canadian clients looking to deposit USD?

Life will not be that much harder for the US based clients, or those who prefer to deal in USD. Unfortunately, one cannot use the EFT method to make deposits, but the reverse is possible. For cash deposits, you can setup a pre-authorized deposit agreement that takes 1-5 days to setup. You can also send a cheque/bank draft, or use wire transfer. If the case arises that you want to convert to USD as fast as possible for instance to invest in a rare opportunity in the US, then you can use the built-in exchange funds tool. This tool will take 24 hours to process but is faster than the other methods.

Alternatively, you can use the Norbert’s Gambit – a good way to get around the exchange fees charged by the usual process. Take note that your deposits will be placed into the sub, or the account related to the respective currency.

Such a division is especially useful when it comes to events such as dividend earnings, commissions, and trades tracking. For instance, if you earn dividends on the US-based stocks, the earnings will not be converted to CAD, which usually involves fees. In other words, automatic transactions do not take place, they must be requested separately.

What if I don’t want to do an online application?

There are some who aren’t technophiles and prefer to use the conventional method of signing up for an account i. e. using pen and paper. Questrade understands that and caters to that segment of the market. But beware, the process can take between 1 to 3 days if you take this route.

Questrade Review 2018: Questrades account minimums.

With the sign-up complete the next logical question is, how much does one really need in order to start trading with Questrade? Again, the broker does not fail to impress. It’s account minimums are among the lowest in the industry. Below are the numbers for each of the account types.

Questrade minimum balance for 2018:

$1000 CAD to purchase stocks and options.

$5000 CAD to trade options spreads.

$25000 CAD to get involved with uncovered options.

There is one exception, the Portfolio IQ Account, where you simply need $1 to open the account. Questrades Portfolio accounts are managed by Questrade themselves. But there is a catch here, you need to have at least $2000 to start investing. If the account balance ever goes below $1500, investments in the portfolio will be liquidated.

With a Questrade Portfolio IQ, your fees will be dependant on how much you initially invest and hold in the account. With Portfolio IQ, you can open the following accounts:

There are a lot of benefits to the Portfolio IQ account if you are not comfortable managing your own investment portfolio. These accounts have lower fees than traditional mutual funds, which can add up to substantial differences in investment returns over the long haul. Check out Questrades investment calculator to see how much you could save and more information on the Portfolio IQ accounts here.

Questrade Review 2018: Review Of Questrades Commissions.

Commissions are indeed an important component when it comes to choosing a broker. And rightly so, as high commissions can take away from your pie and leave you feeling demoralized due to lower profits.

But demoralized and demotivation are words that are not associated with Questrade when it comes to their attractive commissions. Their fees are among the lowest in the industry, and the reason Questrade captured the market share in the first place. Below is a table that gives an idea of the current commissions at Questrade as of 2017. Save it on your hard-drive if you wish, as it may come in handy later on.

Such is our programming that whenever we are confronted with a purchase decision, our first thought is “what’s the price?” Nothing wrong with that approach. In fact, the importance of a reasonable fee is accentuated to the nature of the stock market. You want to make sure that you retain the absolute most of the profits that you work so hard to attain.

As mentioned at the start of this article, Questrade acted as a disruptor of the brokers market when it first started. But what’s more impressive is that Questrade has not increased its commissions ever since. This serves as a true testament of the firm’s astute pricing strategy. Based on that fact, it is safe to say that there are not any impending or forthcoming changes to their commission structure.

But these are only the basic commission charges at Questrade. If you are an active trader, Questrade has constructed custom plans for you to suit your needs and reduce your commissions.

Questrade Review 2018: Questrades Active Trader program.

If you are a trader, you have the option to buy one of their advanced packages. The package has two different pricing options, fixed or variable. Of course, you can purchase these plans as an investor, but you will come to realize that the fees just won’t be worth it if you don’t hit the minimum amount of trades.

A flat fee of $4.95 for every trade, regardless of the shares bought, or a flat fee of 1 cent per share. On top of that, traders must pay a monthly fee of $90 to acquire these options. That being said, these fees unlock their advanced marketing packages which allow traders to view quotes with no time-delays.

The best part about it, these fees can be fully rebated, meaning you unlock their advanced data packages AND cheaper commissions for essentially no extra cost. You just have to hit the required minimums listed in the table below.

So how much cheaper are these fees for traders compared to other brokers?

At first, these fees may seem a bit on the higher side, but rest assured they are a far cry from the exorbitant commissions that bank customers pay. As an example, RBC charges $9.95 per trade with the minimum going down to only $6.95 per trade. This difference of 2-3 dollars per trade adds up tremendously over time, ultimately leaving substantially less profits for you.

Questrades inactivity and transfer fees from other brokerages.

Unfortunately, if you don’t make at least one commissionable trade each quarter or have less than $5000 in your account, you will be charged an inactivity fee equivalent to $24.95 per quarter.

And finally, an incentive for investors that already have an account with other brokerages, Questrade is willing to cover your transfer out fee that your current financial institution will charge.

Questrade Review 2018: Reviewing Questrades Platforms.

The battlefield is littered with solutions some complicated and some with mangled interfaces that ultimately cause the user a lot of agony and frustration. No matter how low the fees, if the user does not receive a good experience, they will throw in their gauntlet and switch to a more user-friendly option. Thus, it is imperative in this Questrade review that we look over the interfaces offered at a granular level.

Let’s start at the beginning before Questrade was what it is today. Questrade was what would be termed as a laggard in the tech industry, it was slow to adapt and it’s platforms felt archaic, mundane, and cumbersome. Keep this in mind as one must be cognizant when reading online reviews, some may be talking about Questrade Pro, QuestradeWEB, or Questrade ELITE, these being the names of all the old platforms.

But like any other intelligent company, Questrade took advantage of this situation. The moves on the chess board had already been used. In other words, the knowledge base of what does or does not work was already out there, and Questrade used that knowledge to then build a platform that was better than anything available in the market. Similarly, the same way Facebook improved upon what MySpace had to offer and took over the entire market. Questrade evolved and created an outstanding platform and topped it off with low fees. Did someone say “Icing on the cake?”

Already convinced? Click here and use our Questrade promo code for $50 in free trades!

So what kind of platforms does Questrade offer?

Nowadays, Questrade offers three different trading platforms, that together form the Questrade Suite. They are called Questrade Trading, Questrade IQ Edge, and Questrade IQ Mobile . All three of these platforms are enormously didactic, built for only one objective, and that is to provide a great user experience. One of the best features of this suite is the seamless and frictionless ability. One can start a transaction on their laptop and then transfer it to their mobile phone, an extremely useful feature for those who use complex trading strategies or are always on the go.

Individually, each platform serves a different purpose. To qualify the features of each, we will use 4-5 different parameters, which are:

Installation: How fast and easy is the installation of the platform?

Core tasks: What functionalities are available when it comes to performing the core tasks associated with trading, mainly placing orders and information access.

Versatility: What operating systems and devices does the interface support?

Malleability: Can the interface be customized to the needs of each individual trader?

Review Of Questrades Browser Platform (Questrade Trading)

In our opinion, Questrade’s browser platform is by far the best option for the average investor. It is the default platform that all US and Canadian customers receive. The interface is clean and extremely easy to use. Sometimes a trader may struggle with the desktop platform as it doesn’t exactly allow for a lot of action to be going on at the same time. On a whole, however, the platform has been built with a lot of care and thought, and is ages ahead of anything else out there.

Installation and use.

No software installation is required because the interface is web based, in other words, it will run through your browser. For us, the platform works without any hiccups in Google Chrome and Firefox.

Core Tasks.

For the average investor, the web browser is more than what is necessary. For instance, one can use advanced charting that includes 31 optional indicators and 5 drawing tools. If you are someone who knows the difference between OHLC and HLC charting, you will be more than satisfied with these set of features. Also, it is easy to check multiple things at the same time, be it your balance or trading history, all in a couple of clicks and a few seconds.

There are a number of tools for fundamental and technical analysis, but in some cases, the data-feed can be delayed by 15 minutes. To make the user aware of such a delay, a small clock icon will appear at the corner of the screen.

Most investors want to check their balance and make a couple of trades here and there. If you do not fall in this category, and aim to follow 5-6 stocks at the same time and make numerous trades, the platform would be useless. In such a case, we would recommend that you use the Questrade IQ Edge Platform, which will be discussed next.

Encomendar ordens.

Orders to buy and sell can be done simply by clicking the double arrow tab located at the top right of your screen, or finding a green “Buy/Sell” button, that is located in numerous positions around the platform. If you have previously searched for a stock, the platform will remember your search history and have the stock available for purchase with one click.

Questrade tries to make the process a little bit easier for traders by adding in a gadget system. This allows for numerous widgets to be loaded in your browser as a separate window, or in the sidebar. All in all the process is easy, but for an investor who isn’t looking for speed, a little unnecessary. We also found the results to be clunky. As a result, traders are going to enjoy Questrades IQ platform a little more.


A web based platform will work on all and any device, given the device has a web browser. This is particularly convenient for those who use unorthodox operating systems, such as Linux, because they do not have to worry about compatibility with their operating system. As long as you have an internet connection and a web browser, you are good to go.


Traders can set a home screen, which will appear whenever you log in. It can be the trading screen, or the account balance screen, whatever you want to see first. Like we mentioned above, Questrade also has a gadgets feature. These are screens that display particular information such as activity, balances, or level 1 & 2 quotes. You can play around with these in terms of position on the screen, size, etc.

Review of Questrade’s IQ Edge Platform.

Not to be confused with Portfolio IQ, which is a professionally managed low-cost ($14/year minimum management fee) service that considers the investor’s personal goals and risk tolerance, the IQ Edge Platform is designed for advanced traders and investors. As you can see from the picture above, there is a TON of functionality with this program. For us to explain it all would be impossible. But we will do our best to highlight the main features, and let you do the experimenting after.

Again, we will evaluate the platform based on the criteria mentioned above.


Installation on most platforms, including Windows 10 and Mac, is a breeze. Built using the programming language C++, this is a standalone and powerful desktop trading platform. It is safe to assume that the best builders were employed to create ID Edge because it functions smoothly, without any crashes or problems.

Core tasks.

Recent comments were made about Questrade’s move to incorporate Morningstar research reports into the IQ Edge interface. Such a move will give users access to research on thousands of companies in the US and Canada across multiple categories.

Also, as opposed to the web platform, there is no delay when it comes to level 2 data. Traders can place orders from the level 2 window, which acts as an advantage in terms of speed and convenience, allowing traders to take advantage of market opportunities.

Photo courtesy of Questrade.

A level 2 order is when you have purchased one of Questrades advanced streaming packages like we explained in the commission’s section of this review. Level 1 data is 15 minutes delayed, so traders can gain a huge edge by purchasing access(and maybe being refunded!) for level 2 quotes. On top of that, there is no need to change screens for order confirmation, leading to further time savings.

As we mentioned that it is useful for more advanced traders, advanced entry options such as conditional orders, bracket orders, or multi-leg option strategies are also available. In fact, if options are what you want to trade, you can get started quickly with pre-installed option trading layouts. There are hotkeys for faster navigation, and one can set default order values for stocks and options together with order parameters such as order type, duration, and route.


As mentioned before, this is a desktop based platform and will run only on Windows and Mac devices. You will get the same experience no matter what OS you use. But this cannot be used on your mobile.


As soon as you log in, you would notice that the platform is feature rich. Much more so than the IQ Web. As we have shown in the introduction picture, the features are endless. You can add quick trade buttons, alerts, screening, P&L calculators, and a market mover’s list.

All these options are available for both US and Canadian stocks. Unlimited workspace allows for unlimited windows, or gadgets, which is highly suitable for trading. For a little personality, users can even change the color to blue or light blue themes as well as changing the background and text colour within their stock quotes.

Review Of Questrades Mobile Platform.

Most of us live our lives as hustlers, always on the go and looking to get as much done as possible. This is even truer for those who trade for a living. Questrade identifies this need and caters to it with its mobile app.


Installation is straightforward, same as any other app on your phone. In terms of functionality, the app can feel a bit sluggish at times. But overall, it’s an excellent piece of programming and deserves top marks.

Core tasks.

Still, Questrade is trying to appeal to traders by including some technical indicators in their stock quote search. The mobile application as you can see above has the same look and feel of Questrades browser enabled platform. This was a huge plus for us as we feel the color scheme and layout allows for ease of use and is easy on the eyes, unlike the dark yet customizable IQ Edge.

Not an ideal tool for a day trader who wants to cover all bases when making an important investment decision. But given the small screen size, the app delivers as much as possible, such as technical indicators when looking up quotes. Navigation is easy when it comes to buying and selling for both stocks and options, with just a couple of taps. Such features are often more than enough for the average investor.

Furthermore, users can also transfer money between accounts, as well as exchange funds. Finally, functionalities such as multiple order types, studies and drawings, and super-fast trade executions are also available.


This evaluation criterion isn’t really applicable here. The mobile platform is built for the phone and other handheld mobile devices, and that is where its use ends.


There is obviously limited real-estate on a mobile screen. Not many options when it comes to customizing the app.

Questrade Review 2017: Questrade’s Customer Service.

There are quite a few Questrade reviews out there that bash the brokerages customer service. However, most of these complaints are old. There was indeed a time when Questrade struggled mightily on the customer service side. But they did what they do best and listened to their customers. In the time since most of the negative reviews, Questrade has evolved and improved its customer service by leaps and bounds. They have done whatever possible to provide users with a great experience.

Also, with a great FAQ section and an intuitive interface, customers hardly need to call the service reps, unless of course you are dealing with a locked account because of mistyping the login credentials more than once. Another great source to look for more information is the forums, this is where other confused users post their questions and share knowledge.

Are Questrade representatives easy to get a hold of?

Still, we would want to take an objective approach and evaluate their services. Almost everyone on this planet will agree that when it comes to customer service, speed, adeptness of staff, and politeness are of critical importance.

You can choose two options to communicate with customer service, either live chat or phone. With live chat, the wait times are almost non-existent. And the best part about it? It’s right in front of you, all the time. No looking for the customer service section or scrambling to find and e-mail. It just sits in the bottom corner of your browser. Moreover, the option provides the benefit of not having to dial numbers. Just click to open the chat window and type your question. Phone call waiting times will definitely be longer, but not by a large margin.

The customer service is also very well-trained, which translates to a polite and friendly user experience, along with ability to answer compilated questions. In fact, the customer service is so good that most users will believe that they are getting privileged treatment.

Questrade Review 2018: Questrade’s Extra Features.

The brokerage industry is competitive, highly competitive! Like any other sector with fierce rivalry, it is not enough to just get the job done. A company that goes above and beyond the call of duty is appreciated and respected. Ultimately, it leads to the increased value for the customer.

Questrade is one such company that strives to exceed expectations, and the additional features just accentuate all the benefits that are already offered. The best part is that most of these features are offered at no additional cost.

Questrade’s Forum or “The Exchange”

One of the most daunting tasks for a new trader is to decode all the nuances associated with trading and investing, especially if you are pursuing on your own. Even the most accomplished investors in the world such as Warren Buffett and David Abrams work with trusted teams and advisors.

You can create such a personal team, or tap into the collective wisdom and experience of numerous investors by using Questrade’s Forum, also called “The Exchange.” You don’t need to be a member to view the forum, so check it out!

Unlike many other forums on the internet, The Exchange seems to be active. In fact, we were surprised by the activity on it as we had expected it to be a tundra, devoid of any signs of life. If we were to put a number on it, we would say that 80% of the forum had fresh content.

We highly encourage users to participate in this forum as it is a fun way to learn, participate in polls and contests and most importantly, meet like-minded people who can help build knowledge and share experiences.

Questrade’s Online Webinars.

If you are someone who wants a more “formal” medium of education, there is an incredible option for that as well. We highly encourage users both new and seasoned alike, to continuously educate themselves as good education is paramount in the makings of a good investor. Again, the example of Warren Buffett is apt here, as he spends 80% of his day reading and thinking.

At first sight, one might think that the number of courses (10 to be precise) offered by Questrade isn’t something to write home about. However, what the learning platform lacks in quantity it very much makes up for in quality.

Additionally, the videos cover a broad range of topics, listed below:

Fundamentals of options.

High growth strategies behind CFDs.

All about dividend investing.

Mining and metal investing roundtable.

ETF investing: why all ETFs are not created equal.

Searching for undervalued opportunities in equities.

Investing in fixed income securities with ETFs.

Introduction to technical analysis.

Viewing these webinars would allow you to build a customized trading strategy, give you knowledge on how to maximize profits and equip you with the tools needed to save on fees etc. And the best part is that all this is free. Está certo! All these webinars are free to access. As a matter of fact, you don’t even have to be a Questrade member to view these webinars.

Questrade’s Blog and Learning Centre.

Almost everyone on this planet is guilty of shying away from the task of learning to use a new interface on an app or software. Such fears are exacerbated on stock trading platforms with number and graphs flashing everywhere.

To ease the pain, Questrade offers many options. The easiest is the personal live demo, wherein traders will be taken through all the features of the platform by a specialist and registered for the 90-day free trial.

Another option for all those who live in Toronto is to visit the Questrade Live Learning Center, where you will find platform specialists serving up free trial accounts and live platform seminars.

The blog for Questrade, in our opinion, needs more work. However, it is a good resource if you enjoy light and fun reading such as “Is your cat a better investor that you?” or “6 Ways to Become a Financial Minimalist.”

Reaching the heights of financial wizardry requires one to be exhaustive and meticulous with their research. Knowledge gives you the wherewithal to take the rights actions, without which you will be faced with trouble. The good news is that there are many tools that Questrade provides you to help you with this process.

Intraday Trader.

For those interested in technical analysis, experienced users can delve right in and start using tools such as watch lists, searchable technical patterns, and receive updates on identified patterns throughout the trading day. Those who are new to trading can start with the comprehensive educational area to get a better understanding of technical trading.

Inteligência de mercado.

Further builds on the market intelligence tools that are available on Questrade and IQ Edge. The amount of information in the form of reports, earnings, filters, and screeners will make you feel and make decisions like a seasoned investor.

Daily Ticker.

Refers to the technical analysis newsletter, containing research and trade ideas, delivered to the user’s inbox on every trading day.

Mutual fund centre.

A tool made specifically for mutual fund aficionados, allows them to compare funds against a benchmark and is loaded with reports, earnings, news, customizable and pre-set watch lists, filters and screeners. Following that, when an investor has to make a trade, he can do so directly from the mutual fund center. As of now, the data pertains to Canadian mutual funds only.

Account History.

Some of us live a fast-paced life and do not have the time to keep track of all our activities. The same applies to trading. However, when the time comes when you do have to track your history, the nervousness can have a pernicious effect on a person’s mental health.

The record keeping mechanism of a Questade trading account obviates the need to track your activities. It’s your very own comprehensive and meticulous record keeper of all trading activity, including but not limited to investment return, account activity, investment summary, current cash balances and positions, as well as total equity and buying power.

At the end of each month, you have the option of a PDF report that is visually appealing, intuitive and easy to interpret. It provides all the details of account activity and is easily understandable by the layman.

Questrade and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)

Most individuals treat IPOs as a marginalization until they miss out an important one, such as that of Facebook, and then kick themselves. Therefore, we feel that a dedicated IPO center is a noteworthy feature and deserves its own section.

The first important feature is that access to this center is free and includes information on companies raising capital from initial or secondary offerings. These offerings are listed in the form of a list, the items on which when clicked on lead to further information on that particular company offering. Second, there is more than just companies coming to market. Despite the name, IPOs of company stocks aren’t the only types of offers featured. Third, the IPO center also includes fixed income deals, new structured products and secondaries (this spelling is correct, please do not autocorrect) for equities.

Issues related to security can encumber an individual from stepping outside of the safe zone provided by products associated with various Canadian Banks.

The belief that only a well-established bank can provide adequate levels of online-security is more of a myth than reality. Most established brokerages use the same level of security as any other bank.

Furthermore, Quetsrade has a dedicated frauds and scams section for information on both ongoing and new types of fraudulent activity.

Questrade Review 2018: Conclusion.

Questrade, since its humble beginnings in the year 1999 has made significant bounds into the hearts and minds of consumers and is likely to continue to do so in the future. If one were to dig deep, they would come across some reviews that are generally negative, most probably arising from bad customer experience, as we definitely all have them. A company these days, especially with the evolution of social media, is exploited a lot more than they used to be. No one can be perfect, and Questrade does everything in its power to be close to it.

But the broker has made significant improvements in all areas including customer service since those days. Moreover, the old adage “you can’t please everyone” holds true for Questrade as well, and it would be harsh to expect otherwise.

Overall, the platform provides everything that one could ask for such as low account minimums, an easy to use platform, low commissions, in-depth research, secure accounts, and many other ancillary features. If you are grappling with the issue of which brokerage to choose then you can’t possibly go wrong with Questrade. For Questrade, customers reign and that is what really matters.

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